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Hello everyone.  I have what I think is a simple issue, but it's turned my mind to mush!


Here's the situation.  I have a query that pulls 4 records from a mysql db.  Let's say that each record is the name of a fruit:  Orange, Lemon, Lime, Grape.  The fruits are in that order in the db.  Record 1 is "Orange", Record 2 is "Lemon" etc.  My table has 2 fields - FruitID and FruitName, and 4 records.


I have the query working with a "while" statement so the list of fruit prints to the screen just fine.  Of course, the list prints as reflected in the db.  Orange is first, followed by Lemon, then Lime etc.


What I'd like to do is reorder the fruit for printing. 


Or, to put it another way, what if I wanted to print each Fruit name just once, but in different places in a web page, not as a list? 


How do I do this?  I assume I have to use some sort of array and assign each fruit to a variable that can be echoed to the screen.


Here's my working code for reference:


$Link = mysql_connect("$Host", "$User", "$Password") or die ('I cannot connect to the database.' . mysql_error());


$fruitquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fruit");


while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($fruitquery)) {

print ("$Row[FruitName]");




Any suggestions?  I know this can't be difficult but my brain just isn't grasping the answer.









$Link = mysql_connect("$Host", "$User", "$Password") or die ('I cannot connect to the database.' . mysql_error());
$fruitquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fruit");

while($Row = mysql_fetch_array($fruitquery)) {
       $fruitNames[$Row['fruitid']] = $Row['FruitName'];

print $fruitNames[0];  // should print Orange


print $fruitNames[0];  // should print Grape



That is how you get it in an array and you can sort the array to display particular values.




This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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