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[SOLVED] Mail form help please.. using existing user Db


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hi i have a database table that stores all my users info like username and email address all i want to do is create something where i can create form where..


i have tick boxes for which users i want to send the email to including a select all and also where is enters in there name in the email so it is something like


" Hello  $name   Blah Blah "


i definatly want to beable to creat html emails. any help would be great i am still sort of new to php but am starting to understand.


PS: i dont want to "save" emails like a normal mailing list does im happy to create it new each time its just to say "hey the sites been updated"

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Hey, maybe this will get you started. This is what I use for one of my sites. You can alter the sql query to send to only certain people, like type = 1.



global $db, $subject, $msg, $site_name, $site_email, $site_url;

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

	$name = $row['name'];
	$email = $row['email'];
	$userid = $row['userid'];

	$message = "Hello $name,\n\n";
	$message .= "$msg\n\n\n\n";
	$message .= "-------------------------\n";
	$message .= "$site_name\n";
	$message .= "$site_url\n";

	$to = $email;
	$header = "From: $site_name <$site_email>\n";
	$header .= "Reply-To: $site_email\n\n";

	if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $header)){
		echo "Success sending to: $to (<a href=\"profile.php?userid=$userid\">$name</a>)<br>";
		echo "<font color=\"#FF0000\">Error:</font> Failed sending to: $to (<a href=\"profile.php?userid=$userid\">$name</a>)<br>";
	}//end else
}//end while



let me know if you have any questions.

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global $db, $subject, $msg, $site_name, $site_email, $site_url;


can you tell me where it gets the above values from?


also this looks like a background proccessing form, i really want to be able to create the html email and add images also haveing the check boxes on who to send to would be really good...


also when using this i get an error;


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in H:\server\xampp\htdocs\mailing_form.php on line 7


line 7 =


  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ 


i have added

  include_once ("db.php"); 

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those globals were from my own script. you will have to make the DB connection. Yes this is the processor form. You will have to make the actual html form with the subject and message and whatever else you want. this will atleast get you started.

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Thanks heaps for your help.. i think im getting it now..


i have created a connection form..



class auth{
var $HOST = "localhost";	// Change this to the proper DB HOST
var $USERNAME = "******	// Change this to the proper DB USERNAME
var $PASSWORD = "******";	// Change this to the proper DB USER PASSWORD
var $DBNAME = "*******";	// Change this to the proper DB NAME



and i thought i had the proccessor form right but im still getting the same error..





include ("db.php");
$connection = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbpassword);
$db = mysql_select_db($dbname);

global $db, $subject, $msg, $site_name, $site_email, $site_url;

	$query = "SELECT * FROM signup";
	$result = mysql_query($query); 
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

	$name = $row['fname'];
	$email = $row['email'];
	$userid = $row['uname'];
	$subject = $_POST['subject'];
	$msg = $_POST['msg'];
	$site_name = "mysite.com";
	$site_email = "site_update@mysite.com";
	$site_url = "www.mysite.com/login.php";

	$message = "Hello $name,\n\n";
	$message .= "$msg\n\n\n\n";
	$message .= "-------------------------\n";
	$message .= "$site_name\n";
	$message .= "$site_url\n";

	$to = $email;
	$header = "From: $site_name <$site_email>\n";
	$header .= "Reply-To: $site_email\n\n";

	if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $header)){
		echo "Success sending to: $to (<a href=\"members/userdetail.php?userid=$userid\">$name</a>)<br>";
		echo "<font color=\"#FF0000\">Error:</font> Failed sending to: $to (<a href=\"members/userdetail.php?userid=$userid\">$name</a>)<br>";
	}//end else
}//end while




i have also created a siple form for the subject and body which should be fine,


but when i press send im still getting the below error


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in H:\server\xampp\htdocs\mailing_form.php on line 14
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All working now was the connection code


should have been this:




$hostname_mail = "localhost";
$database_mail = "database";
$username_mail = "user";
$password_mail = "pass";
$mail = mysql_pconnect($hostname_mail, $username_mail, $password_mail) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR); 


thought it might help someone,

now if anyone knows how i can have so it creattes a html email with tables and linked images i would love a point inthe right direction,

would also love to know how to get my tick boxes working to select users who recieve email s.


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