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This is my 1st attempt at apache. I have just downloaded and installed WAMPP, and am having problems with relative paths in my documents. I use a commercial host for my published pages, but thought a local apache would help me with development and debug. I have set up a sub-directory under my DirectoryRoot for each website I am maintaining. However, relative links within the pages are not working correctly. Two examples (each a bit different, but showing the same symptoms):


1. I have a css file in folder site/css. The main page inli references "css/site.css". This is fine. However, in the css file is a url(../images/back.jpg) definition. Apache tries to find this file in "DocumentRoot/images" rather than in "DocumentRoot/site/images", where it actually resides.


2. Using Prototye for Ajax access gives me a similar problem. When I attempt to access data from the relative directory "scripts/program.php", it tries to find "DocumentRoot/scripts/program.php", instead of "DocumentRoot/site/scripts/program.php"


I have also tried all this setting by up an Alias for "site", but the results are the same.


Any ideas what I am missing in the config?


Thanks for any help.






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Copy/Move your test dir, so that it will be under:

DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs"


Then try and see.


Using an alias is not the "proper" method of enabling a website.


Vhosts are specifically for that.


Also - there are a LOT of includes in your httpd.conf, such as:


# XAMPP specific settings

Include conf/extra/httpd-xampp.conf




Thank you Steve. I have just found that to be the solution - setting up virtual hosts, and how to do it on http://www.activsoftware.com/apache/virtualhosts.cfm. Just about to test it all out, but I would say that this will fix. I will consider this thread now solved.


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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