darylfromjax Posted March 26, 2007 Share Posted March 26, 2007 (mysql Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.16 PHP 4.4.1 OS: FreeBSD 4.11-STABLE ) I am working on a fishing tournament site. I need to get the the largest catch within a species (such as Dolphin) for each angler. Each angler can catch multiple Dolphin but only the one that weights the most will be listed. I must get the fish that weights the most for each angler and then sort that list from anglers with the heaviest fish down to the lightest fish. Sample not working can be seen at http://offshorerodeo.com/fishstandings.htm?fish=Grouper . I have tried the following and then put thru a simple bubble sort. SELECT statement in RED. [color=green][b]***** Code starts here *********[/b]0 // connect to the database include "dbconnect.php"; mysql_select_db("reg"); mysql_select_db("catch"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- $mysql = "[b][color=red]SELECT c_species, c_weight, MAX(c_weight) AS max_weight, r_nick_name, c_date_caught, c_date_uploaded, c_time_uploaded, c_boatname, c_captcatch, c_approved_y_n, r_jr_sr, c_pic FROM `reg` JOIN `catch` ON r_num=c_angler_num WHERE c_species='$fish' GROUP BY c_angler_num HAVING COUNT(*) >=1[/color][/b] "; $dbresult = mysql_query($mysql); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($dbresult); $cnt=0; while ($list = mysql_fetch_array($dbresult)) { $r_nick_name[$cnt] = $list['r_nick_name']; $c_species[$cnt] = $list['c_species']; $c_date_caught[$cnt] = $list['c_date_caught']; $c_date_uploaded[$cnt] = $list['c_date_uploaded']; $c_time_uploaded[$cnt] = $list['c_time_uploaded']; $c_boatname[$cnt] = $list['c_boatname']; $c_captcatch[$cnt] = $list['c_captcatch']; $max_weight[$cnt] = $list['max_weight']; $c_approved_y_n[$cnt] = $list['c_approved_y_n']; $c_jr_sr[$cnt] = $list['c_jr_sr']; $c_pic[$cnt] = $list['c_pic']; $cnt = $cnt +1; } for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { for ($j = $i +1; $j <= $cnt; $j++) { if ($max_weight[$i] < $max_weight[$j]) { $hold_weight = $max_weight[$i]; $hold_nick_name = $r_nick_name[$i]; $hold_species = $c_species[$i]; $hold_date_caught = $c_date_caught[$i]; $hold_date_uploaded = $c_date_uploaded[$i]; $hold_time_uploaded = $c_time_uploaded[$i]; $hold_boatname = $c_boatname[$i]; $hold_captcatch = $c_captcatch[$i]; $hold_approved_y_n = $c_approved_y_n[$i]; $hold_jr_sr = $c_jr_sr[$i]; $hold_pic = $c_pic[$i]; // $max_weight[$i] = $max_weight[$j]; $r_nick_name[$i] = $r_nick_name[$j]; $c_species[$i] = $c_species[$j]; $c_date_caught[$i] = $c_date_caught[$j]; $c_date_uploaded[$i] = $c_date_uploaded[$j]; $c_time_uploaded[$i] = $c_time_uploaded[$j]; $c_boatname[$i] = $c_boatname[$j]; $c_captcatch[$i] = $c_captcatch[$j]; $c_approved_y_n[$i] = $c_approved_y_n[$j]; $c_jr_sr[$i] = $c_jr_sr[$j]; $c_pic[$i] = $c_pic[$j]; // $max_weight[$j] = $hold_weight; $r_nick_name[$j] = $hold_nick_name; $c_species[$j] = $hold_species; $c_date_caught[$j] = $hold_date_caught; $c_date_uploaded[$j] = $hold_date_uploaded; $c_time_uploaded[$j] = $hold_time_uploaded; $c_boatname[$j] = $hold_boatname; $c_captcatch[$j] = $hold_captcatch; $c_approved_y_n[$j] = $hold_approved_y_n; $c_jr_sr[$j] = $hold_jr_sr; $c_pic[$j] = $hold_pic; } if ($max_weight[$i] == $max_weight[$j]) { // Must check for date / time posted to break same weight tie $i_datetime = $c_date_uploaded[$i].$c_time_uploaded[$i]; $j_datetime = $c_date_uploaded[$j].$c_time_uploaded[$j]; if ($i_datetime < $j_date_time) { $hold_weight = $max_weight[$i]; $hold_nick_name = $r_nick_name[$i]; $hold_species = $c_species[$i]; $hold_date_caught = $c_date_caught[$i]; $hold_date_uploaded = $c_date_uploaded[$i]; $hold_time_uploaded = $c_time_uploaded[$i]; $hold_boatname = $c_boatname[$i]; $hold_captcatch = $c_captcatch[$i]; $hold_approved_y_n = $c_approved_y_n[$i]; $hold_jr_sr = $c_jr_sr[$i]; $hold_pic = $c_pic[$i]; // $max_weight[$i] = $max_weight[$j]; $r_nick_name[$i] = $r_nick_name[$j]; $c_species[$i] = $c_species[$j]; $c_date_caught[$i] = $c_date_caught[$j]; $c_date_uploaded[$i] = $c_date_uploaded[$j]; $c_time_uploaded[$i] = $c_time_uploaded[$j]; $c_boatname[$i] = $c_boatname[$j]; $c_captcatch[$i] = $c_captcatch[$j]; $c_approved_y_n[$i] = $c_approved_y_n[$j]; $c_jr_sr[$i] = $c_jr_sr[$j]; $c_pic[$i] = $c_pic[$j]; // $max_weight[$j] = $hold_weight; $r_nick_name[$j] = $hold_nick_name; $c_species[$j] = $hold_species; $c_date_caught[$j] = $hold_date_caught; $c_date_uploaded[$j] = $hold_date_uploaded; $c_time_uploaded[$j] = $hold_time_uploaded; $c_boatname = $hold_boatname; $c_captcatch = $hold_captcatch; $c_approved_y_n[$j] = $hold_approved_y_n; $c_jr_sr[$j] = $hold_jr_sr; $c_pic[$j] = $hold_pic; } } } } ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <th scope="col" width="150" bgcolor="#66CCFF" style="text-align:center">Date Caught </th> <th scope="col" width="150" bgcolor="#66CCFF" style="text-align:center">Date Posted </th> <th scope="col" width="150" bgcolor="#66CCFF" style="text-align:center">Angler</th> <th scope="col" width="150" bgcolor="#66CCFF" style="text-align:center">Boat Name </th> <th scope="col" width="150" bgcolor="#66CCFF" style="text-align:center">Photo</th> <th scope="col" width="150" bgcolor="#66CCFF" style="text-align:center">Verified</th> </tr> <?php for ($i = 0; $i <= $cnt; $i++) { ?> <tr> <td width="150"><?php echo $c_date_caught[$i] ?></td> <td width="150"><?php echo $c_date_uploaded[$i]." ".$c_time_uploaded[$i] ?></td> <td width="150"><?php echo $r_nick_name[$i] ?> <?php if ($r_jr_sr[$i] == 'J') { echo "<BR>Junior Angler"; } ?> </td> <td width="200"> <?php $c_captcatch[$i] = strtoupper($c_captcatch[$i]); if ($c_captcatch[$i] == 'Y') { echo "$c_boatname[$i]<BR>(Captains Catch)"; } else { echo $c_boatname[$i]; } ?> </td> <td width="150"> <?php echo "<a href='fishpics/".$c_pic[$i]."' target='_blank'>"; if ($c_species[$i] == 'Cobia') { echo "<img src='images/fish/minifish/cobia_mini.jpg'></a>"; } else if ($c_species[$i] == 'Dolphin') { echo "<img src='images/fish/minifish/dolphin_mini.jpg'></a>"; } else if ($c_species[$i] == 'Grouper') { echo "<img src='images/fish/minifish/grouper_mini.jpg'></a>"; } else if ($c_species[$i] == 'Kingfish') { echo "<img src='images/fish/minifish/kingfish_mini.jpg'></a>"; } else if ($c_species[$i] == 'Snapper') { echo "<img src='images/fish/minifish/snapper_mini.jpg'></a>"; } else if ($c_species[$i] == 'Tuna') { echo "<img src='images/fish/minifish/tuna_mini.jpg'></a>"; } else if ($c_species[$i] == 'Wahoo') { echo "<img src='images/fish/minifish/wahoo_mini.jpg'></a>"; } ?> </td> <td width="150"> <?php if (strtoupper($c_approved_y_n[$i]) == 'Y'){ echo "Verified";} else {echo " ";} ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> [b]***** Code ends here *********[/b][/color] ***** MySql Table catch starts here ********* Field Type c_numint(11) c_angler_numint(11) c_date_uploadeddate c_time_uploadedtime c_speciesvarchar(15) c_weightint(11) c_boatnamevarchar(25) c_boat_numint(3) c_captcatchset('y', 'n') c_pointsint(4) c_pictext c_date_caughtdate c_approved_y_nchar(2) c_admin_approvervarchar(50) c_admin_date_approved varchar(19) c_approver_extra_text2anglervarchar(200) c_approver_interal_notesvarchar(200) ***** MySql Table catch ends here ********* ***** MySql Table reg starts here ********* Field Type r_numint(11) r_last_namevarchar(25) r_first_namevarchar(25) r_nick_namevarchar(25) r_jr_srchar(1) r_streetvarchar(30) ****etc********etc**** ****etc********etc**** ***** MySql reg catch ends here ********* Thanks in advance, Daryl [attachment deleted by admin] Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/44303-mysql-select-to-get-on-records-with-largest-weight-maxc_weight/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
btherl Posted March 26, 2007 Share Posted March 26, 2007 You won't get sensible results if you mix c_weight and MAX(c_weight) in one query. Mysql will give you a TOTALLY RANDOM value for c_weight, chosen from the possible rows. It's best if you do one query to find maximum weights, and another query to find individual weights. The individual weight query should not use GROUP BY. As for your data structures, you may find it easier to use this: $catch_data = array(); while ($list = mysql_fetch_array($dbresult)) { $catch_data[$cnt] = $list; $cnt = $cnt +1; } print "r_nick_name[1] = " . $catch_data[1]['r_nick_name']; It'll save a lot of typing Of course your sorting will have to be done differently. Feel free to ask about that. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/44303-mysql-select-to-get-on-records-with-largest-weight-maxc_weight/#findComment-215184 Share on other sites More sharing options...
darylfromjax Posted March 26, 2007 Author Share Posted March 26, 2007 I will try this. I also wanted to give some sample data and output: Input is like this: Catch Table (Catch number) (Catch Angler Number) (catch Weight) (catch picture) (catch type of fish) 20 300 8 fish20d20070324.jpg Grouper 21 300 10 fish21d20070324.jpg Grouper 22 300 1 fish22d20070324.jpg Snapper 26 200 25 fish26d20070324.jpg Dolphin 33 100 5 fish33d20070324.jpg Grouper 34 150 66 fish34d20070324.jpg Grouper 35 150 65 fish35d20070324.jpg Grouper Reg (Registration) Table: (Angler number) (Name) (Nickname) 050 Name1 Nickname1 100 Name2 Nickname2 150 Name3 Nickname3 200 Name4 Nickname4 250 Name5 Nickname5 300 Name6 Nickname6 400 Name7 Nickname7 And the standings result for the group Grouper would be: (only max weight catch per angler shown) (Angler Number) (Catch type of fish) (catch weight) (catch pic) 150 Grouper 66 lbs fish34d20070324.jpg 300 Grouper 10 lbs fish21d20070324.jpg 100 Grouper 5 lbs fish33d20070324.jpg Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/44303-mysql-select-to-get-on-records-with-largest-weight-maxc_weight/#findComment-215302 Share on other sites More sharing options...
darylfromjax Posted March 26, 2007 Author Share Posted March 26, 2007 btherl, So, I will not be able to do this with subqueries? Someone told me that MySQL 4.0 does not support subqueries. Is that correct? I am still trying to figure out how to implement your suggestion. Thanks, Daryl Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/44303-mysql-select-to-get-on-records-with-largest-weight-maxc_weight/#findComment-215338 Share on other sites More sharing options...
darylfromjax Posted March 28, 2007 Author Share Posted March 28, 2007 (mysql Ver 12.22 Distrib 4.0.16 PHP 4.4.1 OS: FreeBSD 4.11-STABLE ) I tried the following and it did not work after I added the portion is underlined. CREATE TABLE `myCatch` SELECT `c_angler_num`, max(`c_weight`) AS c_max_weight, `c_species` from `catch` WHERE `c_species`='Grouper' GROUP BY `c_angler_num`; ALTER TABLE `myCatch` ADD INDEX `c_angler_num` ( `c_angler_num` ); SELECT catch.c_angler_num, catch.c_species, catch.c_num, catch.c_weight FROM `catch` WHERE catch.c_angler_num IN (SELECT myCatch.c_angler_num FROM `myCatch`); DROP table `myCatch; But, the follwoing produces a list: CREATE TABLE `myCatch` SELECT `c_angler_num`, max(`c_weight`) AS c_max_weight, `c_species` from `catch` WHERE `c_species`='Grouper' GROUP BY `c_angler_num`; ALTER TABLE `myCatch` ADD INDEX `c_angler_num` ( `c_angler_num` ); SELECT catch.c_angler_num, catch.c_species, catch.c_num, catch.c_weight FROM `catch` WHERE catch.c_angler_num; DROP table `myCatch; Why did adding the "IN (SELECT...)" not work? Daryl Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/44303-mysql-select-to-get-on-records-with-largest-weight-maxc_weight/#findComment-216791 Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenway Posted April 4, 2007 Share Posted April 4, 2007 Your version doesn't suport subqueries (<4.1). Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/44303-mysql-select-to-get-on-records-with-largest-weight-maxc_weight/#findComment-221174 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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