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Multiple file upload with out form


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Hi, could someone give me some clues on how to do this this. From my remote websites admin system, I would like to be able to select a folder on the local computer and upload every file in the selected folder up to the remote site. I don't want to use form file uploads. I want the user to be able to nominate a local folder and the whole folder is copied with one click of a button. Is this possible to do with out putting the user through any complexx procedures.

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Hi, thanks for your replies. I should have given a more precise description of what I want to do, I was a bit vague. So here goes.

I would like my clients who are using my admin system to be able to select a folder on their local computer and have them uploaded to the remote site. I need to 'do stuff' with each one of these files as they come up, ie: resize, dupliacte copies, enter file names into the database etc. I dont really want them to have direct FTP access, so this rules out the usual method of FTP. Ideally I would like a script that reads the folder and copies the files one at a time and 'does stuff' to them as it goes. If I could connect to FTP through my own php script, this would be fine and I have got that part sorted. But as for using ftp_put() I just can't seem to get it to find the local folder or direct it to the correct destination folder.

Any advice would be great. Thank you.

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What do you mean by "Local Folder"?

Local to the Host (Webserver) or Local to Client (Clients PC)


as for FTP access you can create a new FTP account with limited access even drop access, (upload only)


finding the path to the files/folder shoudn't be that hard,









file_parser.php would look in "uploads/" folder!


or am i missing somthing?

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Java is what you want:






Or some type of activex control.


PHP knows nothing about the clients folders which is a good thing, because if it did you could create a malicious script that goes into a known directory, such as cookies, and download all that data and use it to login to sites.


But yea look into java.

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