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I think I'm ready for another round of tests and would love constructive input.


About the site:

The idea behind EV Circuit is to let people sign up and post links to their websites along with a short description.  The design is based loosely on a template that I really like. I know some folks don't like templates and feel that they cause global warming, make you less of a man and are the reason why Leprechauns run the secret world wide government.  I think those people have issues best resolved with professional help.  This is not an exercise in design as much as it is an exercise in backend programming.


User Accounts:

If you'd like to test the signup part I'd be grateful. All DB tables will be emptied before the site goes live. If not, that's cool. Use the test account but please don't change the password so that others can try it out:

  Login Name: testuser

  Password: password


What to Look For:

I think I have all the inputs sanitized. This is my first real attempt at a DB driven site so I'm concerned about possible security breaches. Break it if you can!


Known Issues:

* The site's copy if filled with Lorem Ipsum.  Real copy is slowing being placed.

* If you hit reload after submitting a Contact email you'll just keep sending emails to me. I'm not sure how to stop this. :(


The url is: http://www.evcircuit.com/index.php


Note that if you leave off index.php you'll get the "not ready" html page.


Thanks for your time!

Well, you are open to XSS attacks. I put in a test URL, and while you are screening your direct input, there is a subtle hole I was able to exploit. If you log in as your test user and check your settings page, you will see a popup alert that simply states "I'm in!" I was able to insert this simple javascript into the URL of the test site I submitted. I'm not going to post the details on here, but if you're interested to know exactly what I did to make it work, just PM me, and I'll walk you through it.


Otherwise, it seems pretty solid.

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