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[SOLVED] Can't even get started!

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Hello experts,


I am a total newbie, so I'm hoping for an explanation in very layman terms. I have just downloaded the latest version of Apache and PHP, which I'm running on Windows XP. I can't get apache properly configured with PHP. I've done some research first and have found from several postings that this is a common problem --apparently, with no easy solution. In short, I get the following error message when I try to load php5 as a module: "Cannot load C:/php/php5apache2.dll into server. The specified module cannot be found.


I have followed the instructions in both my PHP 5 textbook and what has been posted at the PHP site and in responses to the letter. Namely, in the HTTPD conference file I put: LoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2.dll" Also I added the following: AddType application/x-httpd-php.php

Per my textbook's instruction, I renamed php.ini-dist to php.ini and moved it to C:\windows

Per the book, I also moved php5ts.dll to C:\windows\system. Finally, per one of the posts I even added PHPIniDir "C:/windows." Nothing seems to work.


If I put in html in my text editor, it appears in my browser; however, php does not. One last point, I had a slightly older version of Apache 2.something and updated to a newer version, supposedly with fewer bugs. The older version would simply have all php codes directed to a blank Dreamweaver page! With this newer version, apache is stops running when I add the line LoadModule php5, etc.


Should I just delete both apache and php5 and download one of the preconfigured php-apache-my SQL, etc. programs. And which one? There are three options: an .exe file, an installer, and a zip file? Or should I go with PHP 4? And if so, what's the difference? This problem has been driving me, and many other beginners crazy, so please help.


Thanks in advance, phplearner07

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I've never done it the system folder way, but this way has always worked for me with php5 and apache 2.x


Copy the following files from your php root and php/extensions folder into apache root where you copied the php.ini file to. Works like a charm everytime for me.
























Edit:  just re-read your post and you put your php.ini copy into your system folder as well.  Using this method you have to put a copy of php.ini into your apache root folder as well.

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Well where ever you installed apache into, there should be a folder called apache or something like that...i don't remember exactly.  maybe you have it in program files?  mine's directly under C:


anyway, I think it is one level inside that folder where there should be some sub folders and a bunch of files.  Just copy all the files I mentioned and paste them at this level.

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What exact version of Apache you using?


If you are using Apache2.0.x then the php5apache2.dll module should be fine, however if you are using Apache2.2.x then you should use the php5apache2_2.dll module instead.


Also I strongly advise you to not move any files from the php folder. I would recommend you to add the php folder to the Windows Path instead. When you move files around the file system it can make problems worse.

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Dear Wildteen88,


You're a genius! Thanks --you solved my problem! I went too literally off of my textbook (they're all out of date as soon as they're published, of course), which instructed me to add a command line for php5apache2.dll. The version of Apache I have is "Apache 2.2.4," which requires php5apache2_2.dll, as you said. What threw me off is that this version has both files, but the one it requires is the one you suggested. So when I entered that "_2" extension, it could find the file! Thanks a million! This makes my weekend!


Sincerely, phplearner07



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