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Everything posted by calabiyau

  1. I'm trying to delete a node from an xml file. The xml file is structured as follows <pages> <page> <script_files> <script> <script_file></scriptfile> <script_name></script_name> </script> </script_files> </page> </pages> and the code i've been trying is <?php $new_page = $_POST['page']; $script_file = $_POST['script_file']; $xml = new DomDocument('1.0'); $xml->load('../database/content_db.xml'); $sub_doc = $xml->getElementsByTagName('page')->item($new_page); $scripts = $sub_doc->getElementsByTagName('script_files')->item(0); $spec_script = $scripts->getElementsByTagName('script')->item($script_file); $olduser = $scripts->removeChild($spec_script); $xml->save("../database/content_db.xml"); ?> Thing is I had this sort of working with similar code but have gotten lost along the way. Anyone familiar with this sort of work that could send me in the right direction? Thanks
  2. http://browsershots.org Try this service. It is free and you can get screenshots from many different browsers. Edit: but for the record...your navigation bar is about 20px outside your container to the left and your content column drops below your left hand column
  3. Maybe you were going for sparse simplistic design, but IMO the design is too simple, too sparse. Needs a little complexity and interest.
  4. Don't really like that green and orange combo. I would change the green to blue...goes better with orange in my opinion.
  5. That car is sooo cool looking. I think it would be effective as part of your header design
  6. Yes, it can be done with javascript. Check out this site. I've modified their code to create exactly what you are talking about. Takes a bit to figure out how everything works but you can do it. http://www.dyn-web.com/code/scroll/horiz.php
  7. The one on the right, using an image...just create a div for the content block with a set width and set the image as background image no repeat. Then use padding inside the content div to set your text inside the borders created by the image.
  8. I have found that with internet explorer doctype is indeed important if you want to center a div in the middle of the page. Start with xhtml strict doctype and see if that fixes your problem.
  9. Would need to see much more code than this. I have always found position: absolute to be very cross browser reliable, so the problem must lie elsewhere.
  10. I think it's pretty good actually. The logo is great, but like others have said...redesign your menu system and get rid of the bevel emboss. It really dates the look of your site. Also the menu could be wider and the content area less wide. Seems a bit out of balance.
  11. since all your columns are fixed width you can use the faux columns technique by creating an image that is the full width of your container div but only a few pixels tall and block out the colors to match the width of each column Say they are red, white, blue Your image would look like RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Set that as the background image of your container div and set it to background-repeat: repeat-y Then make sure to clear your floated columns within the container div with something like <div style="clear: both;"></div>
  12. My own personal thoughts....why not have the orange hover links actually be orange before hover? Would add a nice contrasting color. also the header doesn't seem quite strong enough compared to some of the other elements. The News and Articles rectangles...why not cut out a piece of the gradient from the header and use that as their background. I think that would balance things out nicely.
  13. The dragon (if that's what it is) is very nicely done, but the overall green-ness of everything is kind of a turn off (ie. not very attractive green). Why not try contrasting with a deep blue? Keep the main graphic as is, but make the rest of the page blues. It will make your well done graphic stand out all the more. I see you've added some animation features which are good. I like the glowing eyes, but maybe you could come up with a few more taglines then just the three. It gets a bit repetitive over and over, same words.
  14. Not really a CSS issue. The marquee tag may be able to do what you want or javascript.
  15. Have you looked at your site in internet explorer 6.0, still a very popular browser? Your page is shifted all the way over the right hand side of the screen. And might I suggest arial or verdana font for your content? Some hits of color wouldn't hurt either. Just pick one, anything will go with your grey scheme. And some cool images to go with each page. Just go to http://www.sxc.hu/ Tons of free cool images you can use to brighten up your site.
  16. Another idea that i've used recently and it google seems to follow the links just fine <a href="path/to/your/files." onclick="your_ajax_function(); return false;">Link</a> Since google ignores your javascript it "should" still follow the link in the href.(it has in my case). All your normal users will get the ajax function and the return false tells js not to follow the link after executing the function. But it will depend highly on what your content pages look like. And you must remember that if google is indexing the page via the hard link, then a person may stumble upon your site that way as well, and can they still use/navigate your site...?
  17. or.... <body onload="function_name();">
  18. Try <table style="border: 3px solid red;"> Adjusting 3px to whatever suits your design
  19. From a little searching it seems you need to add wmode="transparent" to your flash code to allow other elements to be overlayed atop your flash movie.
  20. The only thing i've noticed is that it skips whenever there is an item description that is three lines long instead of the usual one or two lines long. Maybe a clue along the way, not sure. That's just from looking at the page you showed.
  21. Something like below should get you on the right path if ($handle = opendir('path/to/folder')) { while (false != ($file=readdir($handle))) { if ( ($file != ".") && ($file != "..") ) { $array = explode( '.' , $file ); //ABOVE ASSUMES THERE IS ONLY ONE FILE EXTENSION //WOULD NOT WORK FOR THINGS LIKE file.inc.php echo "FILENAME:" . $array[0]; echo "EXTENSION:". $array[1]; $created = filectime($file); echo "CREATED ON: " . date("l, dS F, Y @ h:ia", $created); //THERE ARE OTHER WAYS YOU CAN FORMAT THE DATE //IF YOU SEARCH AROUND A BIT } } }
  22. Just a small note...a little extra padding in your services page wouldn't hurt either. Text begins too close to the top of the orange block and runs too close to the edges.
  23. I think this is a javascript issue, not a CSS one.
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