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Refresh individual iframes?


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Hi, Iv got a simple standard page (html) with a few iframes which pulls in different stats (its a work related thing).


I want to update one of the iframes only. Putting a meta refresh within that one iframe still reloads the whole page.


Im new to Ajax, anyone know of how to refresh one 1 iframe on a timer?


Many thanks

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Refreshing with AJAX pretty much removes the need for the iframe.  Either way, all you need to do is use a javascript timer to call a refresh javascript function.  In your response function, simply restart the timer.


Play with the example here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,115581.0.html


Then once you've written some of the code yourself, ask again.

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From one frame you can target another frame


<iframe name="a" src="displayimage.php?imageid=1">


<iframe name="b" src="listofimages.php">


in file listofimages.php suppose you have a link

<a href="displayimage.php?imageid=<?php echo $imageid?>" target="a">

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Thank you both. I thought this would be an Ajax thing but javascript seemed to handle it:


<script type="text/javascript">

//Example to show 2 iframes, which the google iframe is being refreshed on its own

var reloadInterval = 3000;
function init() {

function reload() {
var iframe = document.getElementById('window1');
if (!iframe) return false;
iframe.src = iframe.src;

window.onload = init;


<iframe id="window1" width="500" height="400" src="http://www.google.com/"/></iframe>

<iframe id="window2" width="500" height="400" src="http://www.yahoo.com/"/></iframe>


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 iframe.src = iframe.src;

Done that before, and one thing I can tell you is that if the user uses the backpage afterwards, the results will be very ugly! The backpage will load the iframe src as the whole page. Definitely very confusing for the user.


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