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Unread Posts

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I am sure this has to have been asked before (I searched for everything I could think of) and I could not find the answer.  But, how about have a visual "cue" as to what topics are "new" and have not been read.  I would love to be able to help others more, but it is really time consuming to go through post after post to see where I "left off".


I know I can view the unread posts since last visit, however, I only want to focus on one board.


So ala phpBB instead of the "white" piece of paper, maybe make it colored if you have not viewed it since you have been on last?


Sorry if it has been requested and denied (or if it is a configurable thing and I am stupid).

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Have you tried the two links at the top of forum:


Show unread posts since last visit.  and Show new replies to your posts.


Show unread post since last visit lists all threads/post that you have not read since you where logged in.


The other links shows all threads that you have posted in that has gotten new replies since your last post/visit to the thread. I use this link a lot, sometimes I forget which threads I have replied in. Comes in very handy

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Yeah, but as stated, I only want to help out in 1 maybe 2 forums (where my "expertise" is).  As it is now, it shows all posts from all forums.


I should be able to go into a forum, and have posts that have changed since I last "logged in" show up visually as different.

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