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converting to php5? meh?


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I feel like a reall dumbass in this area of website building.. I have no clue about any php or anything and thats why im posting in this Newbies section. I really hope to learn a little about php someday but for now I have 1 need.


I am trying to convert a php proxy to php5. Now if that is completely ridiculous and that was a REALLY retarded question that makes no since at all then please stop reading here and just post why that doesnt make since because I really do no nothing about php except its a computer language thats confusing as ########## (for me). Now if that wasnt a stupid question then good! i get 1 thing! So then how would I go about converting a giant php proxy script into php5? This person on irc said this when i asked:

[03:45] (SlashLife): Then call your PHP file .txt and make it being parsed by PHP4.


then he called me stupid and kick banned me (wtf?). Im not sure if he was just making fun of my stupidity or if he was really telling me something that would help me but i really didnt get...


Thanks in advance!

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here r the scripts so if theres anyway someone can convert them to php3, php4, or php 5 that would be awesome!





Index.inc.php script:



There is also a .css file but I don't know why you would need that.


If you can help me more than just replying to this post I would be very glad if you could pm me here or:


AIM- toxicity3440


MSN- colin3440@hotmail.com (not on much...)

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Sorry, but I'm locking this topic. Not only do you fail ask any actual question, you curse, request help via pm (not the point of a forum) and ask people to write code for you.


A read of the link in my signature might help you. If your not looking for help (please understand what help means) then your in the wrong forum.

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