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More $_POST fun!


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Hey guys,


More of a question than help needed :)


Using the below code to submit data within three separate textareas into a database.


$_POST['answer']		= $_POST['textarea1'].$_POST['textarea2'].$_POST['textarea3'];


At the moment the data in each textarea is just plain text. However if wanted to format the data entered into the textarea before submitting it to the database (['answer']) how would i go about it? Would i have to copy the textarea data into a variable, format it (into say a larger and different font), and then post it?


Any tips (or guides) would be much appreciated!




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"Text" cannot be in different font sizes.. so I presume you mean using HTML tags?  For example


$str = "<font size=+2>" . $str . "</font>";


Is this what you have in mind?


If possible, I would do the font size changes when you display the data, rather than when you store it.  It's good to keep that seperation between storage and display.

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Date saved into a database has no concept of larger or different font. That is a client side issue which has nothing to do with php or databases.


Data should be stripped of any dangerous characters but otherwise saved in its raw state.

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Thanks for your reply!


Yes, i do mean HTML formatting, sorry for not being clearer. This is a KB we have purchased from a company. Each question within the database can be formatted separately and differently. Looking at the API's they have supplied us, they give us an example:


$_POST['answer']              = '<b>Hooray</b> we have added a question!';


My code being:


$_POST['answer']		= $_POST['textarea1'].$_POST['textarea2'].$_POST['textarea3'];


Judging by this, i have to format the question before i $_POST it. However the text is in a textarea, which means i would have to convert that text to a variable to format it, and then post it? Can you $_POST a variable? Gah! Confusion strikes!

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Sorry, but saving a value in the $_POST array, eg;


$_POST['answer']              = '<b>Hooray</b> we have added a question!';


Makes little sense, and so does the comment...


which means i would have to convert that text to a variable to format it


$_POST['answer'] is a form of variable.


I don't really understand your question. Id'e suggest contacting the company you bought the script from and either asking for your money back or some support / explinations.

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