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Help Me Pls.... GD2 problem.

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You can consider me stupid.. well i am telling this is becoz i am first timer on building website n hosting it outside with outside hosters. if it was me who handle the management i can do it myself but now i am not in control :)


So i need you guys help!! Plus my site is hosted on a UNIX based server ( OpenBSD ) and i am using windows at home so i dun know a shit abt UNIX , sad i know but got to learn up now , pls help...


ok here is my problem i am using Joomla with a extension call expose its for gallery. But the prob is GD2 is unabled.

Yes i know its a php library which needs to be enabled and then all goes back fine but the thing is since my hosters are using UNIX based so i totally dunno how n wat ... so if you guys can help me would be great




here is the phpinfo() page of my hoster can someone jus checkout and see pls. and list wat do i need to do or say to my hosters so that they could install or enable the feature if its already there. plsss counting on u guys ...


Thanks alot...

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ok thank you for looking at it... but ok as u said it looks like its not being installed at all.


So whr can i get this module ?

Wat is the library name / module name for UNIX based php library  servers?

Is it easier to install ?

How do we install ?


I would really appreciate it if u could help ... i am asking bcoz this hosters of mine is actually my lecturer n he wans me sort of to learn up on this and so he is not helping me at all. like i said b4 i know nuts .. pls help thx.



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Check out this page:



Run a search on the page for "gd" and you'll come up with two main things you need to look at. First, you need to compile PHP with the --with-gd command that appears in the Configuration Commands. The second thing you can see is the actual GD settings about halfway down the page.


Otherwise, just do a search on the PHP manual site for GD installation requirements.

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