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ok what i want to do it get a rank list set from a player.


ie the 15 people above and below them and list it.


what i have to list all the players is


print "<table border=0.5 bgcolor=AC7928>";
print "<tr><td height=20 width=35 bgcolor=#AC7928><b> <center>Rank</center></td><td width=100 bgcolor=#AC7928><b>Name</td><td width=70 bgcolor=#AC7928><b>Gang</td><td width=60 bgcolor=#AC7928><b><center>I.D</center></td><td width=30 bgcolor=#AC7928><b><center>Level</center></td><td width=100 bgcolor=#AC7928><b><center>Rank Score</center></td><td width=60 bgcolor=#AC7928><b><center>Fight</center></td></tr>";
$msel = mysql_query("select * from players where jail !='21' order by level desc limit 10000");
$ranka = 0;
while ($mem = mysql_fetch_array($msel)) {
print "<tr><td height=15><center>$ranka</center></td><td height=15><A href=view.php?view=$mem[id]><font style=color:slategray>$mem[user]</td><td>$mem[zone1]</a> <td><center>$mem[id]</center></td><td><center>$mem[level]</center></td><td><center>$ranks</center></td></td><td ><A href=battle.php?battle=$mem[id]><font style=color:#FFFFFF><center>Attack</center></td></tr>";
print "</table><br>"; ?>


but its far too long how to i get it so every player only see's the 15 players above and below?






































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I think you'd need some sort of query..

I'm not quite sure what you're using for user id's or whatever, but perhaps something like...

$slctid = mysql_query("select * from players where id=selected id"); // selects the user that is viewing the page
$startid = $slctid - 15; // sets the starting user as 15 before the viewer
$endid = $slctid + 15; // ets the last user on the list as 15 after the viewer

$msel = mysql_query("select * from players where id=$startid && jail !='21' order by level desc limit 10000");
$ranka = 0;
while ($mem = mysql_fetch_array($msel)) {
	if($startid == $endid){
	break; //if $startid reaches the $endid it stops listing users

$startid++ //increments to the user id


I have no idea if this would work as I haven't tested it, but it's a start

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haha! oops.. forgot to echo it :P


just before

$startid++; //increments to the user id


echo $stats1 . " " . $stats2 . " " . $stats3 . " " . $stats4 . " " . $stats5 . " " . $stats6 . " " . $ranks . "<br />";


and see what happens.



EDIT: realised I'd missed off the "; at the end of the echo...

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um.. I've just made a couple of changes.. the code I've got is

$slctid = mysql_query("select * from players where id=selected id"); // selects the user that is viewing the page MUST BE DIFFERENT FROM $mem
$startid = $slctid - 15; // sets the starting user as 15 before the viewer
$endid = $slctid + 15; // ets the last user on the list as 15 after the viewer

$msel = mysql_query("select * from players where id=$startid && jail !='21' order by level desc limit 10000");
$ranka = 0;
while ($mem = mysql_fetch_array($msel)) {
	if($startid = $endid){
	break; //if $startid reaches the $endid it stops listing users


echo $stats1 . " " . $stats2 . " " . $stats3 . " " . $stats4 . " " . $stats5 . " " . $stats6 . " " . $ranks . "<br />";

$startid++ //increments to the user id

You need to make sure that the $slctid is different to the $startid and $endid. $slctid would be the original id of the member viewing the page.

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hi, sorry if this is of the topic:


could you not use limits in your SQL query. I see you get the the following, $slctid, $startid, $endid.


could you not use those in your query to get only the 15 before and 15 after $slctid (current user)



$msel = mysql_query("select * from players where id=$startid && jail !='21' order by level desc limit $startid,30");

//this should then get the next 30 records starting at 15 below the currents users


should this not then get only the records your looking for?

sorry again if this is not want you wanted



also just noticed: is the problem that your only getting one record not maybe because of you MySQL query, can more than one user have the same rank?


select * from players where id=$startid // will that not ONLY get the player with the specific rank?

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now the code i have is.


$slctid = mysql_query("select * from players where id=$stat[id]"); // selects the user that is viewing the page MUST BE DIFFERENT FROM $mem
$startid = $slctid - 15; // sets the starting user as 15 before the viewer
$endid = $slctid + 15; // ets the last user on the list as 15 after the viewer

$msel = mysql_query("select * from players where id=$stat[id] && jail !='21' order by level desc limit $stat[id],30");
$ranka = 0;
while ($mem = mysql_fetch_array($msel)) {
	if($startid = $endid){
	break; //if $startid reaches the $endid it stops listing users


echo $stats1 . " " . $stats2 . " " . $stats3 . " " . $stats4 . " " . $stats5 . " " . $stats6 . " " . $ranks . "<br />";

$startid++ //increments to the user id


but its now displaying nothing.

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select * from players where id=$startid // will that not ONLY get the player with the specific rank?

I was meaning for that to select only the user with an id equal to $startid. As start id is incresed by 1 each time it would works it's way down the list until reaching $endid.


$msel = mysql_query("select * from players where id=$startid && jail !='21' order by level desc limit $startid,30");

sounds good.. I didn't know about that ::)

although it would be 15, not 30, as he's wanting to show only 15 below. The other 15 are the 15 above in the database.

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hi, you have not closed your while loop


while ($mem = mysql_fetch_array($msel)) {

if($startid = $endid){

break; //if $startid reaches the $endid it stops listing users












echo $stats1 . " " . $stats2 . " " . $stats3 . " " . $stats4 . " " . $stats5 . " " . $stats6 . " " . $ranks . "<br />";


$startid++ //increments to the user id






by the way, how do you display code as code? sorry im new here

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hi, you have not closed your while loop

I just mentioned that, but I think that's what just caused the

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home/hobotown/public_html/ranks2.php on line 76


Not sure why though.

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just notice your $stats variables.. probably not what's causing the problem, but you should have '' around them...


Just a note as exp is a statement by itself and may confuse the script. the '' just stops it getting confused.

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