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I have the following code of the news


$getnews = mysql_query("select * from news ORDER BY id DESC");

echo "<p><table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='border-collapse: collapse' bordercolor='#111111' width='100%' id='AutoNumber1' height='157'>
    <td width='100%' height='19' bgcolor='#008000' bordercolorlight='#008000' bordercolordark='#008000' background='bkgimg.gif'>
    <p align='center'><b><font color='#008000'>$title</font></b></td>
    <td width='100%' height='117' bgcolor='#FFFF00' bordercolorlight='#FFFF00' bordercolordark='#FFFF00' background='bkgimglng.gif'>
    <p align='justify'><font color='#008000'>$news</font></td>
    <td width='100%' height='19' bgcolor='#008000' bordercolorlight='#008000' bordercolordark='#008000' background='bkgimg.gif'>
    <p align='center'><b><font color='#008000'>Posted on $date</font></b></td>



I want news as 10 per page how can i do?



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to start, you'd need to adjust the query. Here's an example (but advisable not to just copy/paste to your script as it does no checks for valid input):


// human page number starts from 1. offset page starts from 0, so
// subtract one from requested page
if ($_GET['page'])
   $page = $_GET['page'] - 1;
   $page = 0;

// what record to start from...result will be 0,10,20,30, etc
// simply multiply page by number per page
$offset = $page * 10; 

$getnews = mysql_query("select * from news ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $offset, 10");


you could do worse than hunting down a tutorial on 'pagination' - there are plenty around and each has different ways of achieving the same result, but the above should start you off.



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YOu would have to do a  num_rows query similar to this since this is the code I have used on differnet projects and it has not failed me yet, you can use it if you like or change it to suit your needs.


if(isset($submit)) {

  $page = $_GET["page"];
  $rowmax = 10; //Set this to the number of items you want returned per page

  if(!isset($page)) {
   $page = 1;

 if($page == 1) {	 	
 	$pagein = 0;

if($page > 1) { 
	$pagein = $page * $rowmax - $rowmax;

//Below is where the total number of rows will be calculated
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE text LIKE '%$searchterm%'"); 

$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($query);

//Below is where you would do the selected query to draw only paginated results.
$query1 = "SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE text LIKE '%$searchterm%' LIMIT $pagein, $rowmax"; 

$result1 = mysql_query($query1);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result1)){
//This is the area where the paginated ruslts will be displayed by row results

//Below will only do calutaions if query was successful
if($result1 != null) {
$pagecount = ceil($num_rows / $rowmax);
$resultinput = $pagein + 1;
$resultsoutput = $pagein + $rowmax;
if($resultsoutput > $num_rows) {$resultsoutput = $num_rows;}//Change $resultsoutput to $num_rows on last page here

//Only displays pagination links if necessary below here
if ($pagecount > 1) {
  echo "Page ";
  $x = 1;
  $y = $pagecount;
	  for( $i = $x; $i <= $y; $i++ ) {
  print "<a href='index.php?page=$i'><b>[$i]</b></a> ";

echo "<p align='center'>There were $num_rows results.<br />//Shows the total number of resutls on this line
	You are viewing results $resultinput through $resultsoutput.</p>";//shows which results you are viewing here


I hope this will give you a solid foundation to start from.

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