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Need Help with PHP Installation

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I need help with PHP Installation. I am newbei with PHP so it is kind of blur with all about PHP.

Can anybody help me with some question below, I am really thanks for the help.

1. what do I need before installing PHP?

2. Can I use IIS from window XP Prof. rather than using APACHE?

3. I using VS.NET currently to develop ASP.NET web pages, is that going to be a trouble if I install PHP?

4. Do I have to reconfigure my IIS ?


thank you in advance.


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I got one more stupid question actually.

Lets say, I've done with the PHP installation and apache, is there anything I must do? since right now I installed the PHP and Apache and the PHP has also done with reconfigure the APACHE. is there anything I must do after that to make the PHP run?

secondly, how I know if the PHP is running in my computer? and where should I put the .php file?

should I use http://localhost/... address to access the .php file?


sory for booming you guys with this stupid question, I am really a noobie with php and want to learn, I hope you guys can help me with this.


Thanks in advance



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Yes you must go to http://localhost in order to run your .php files. You place your .php files in Apaches htdocs folder (or the whatever you set your DocumentRoot as, default is Apaches's htdocs folder (default path: C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdoc)).


To get PHP working with Apache you just need to add a few lines in to Apaches httpd.conf, example

LoadModule php5_module "C:/php/php5apache2_2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

and that should me enough to get PHP working with Apache.


The rest of the configuration is down how you want PHP to run, such as what extensions to use, whether to display syntax errors during runtime etc. You do this in PHP's configuration file called php.ini


NOTE: It is important you restart Apache whenever you make any changes to the httpd.conf or php.ini. Otherwise your changes will not take affect until Apache is restarted.

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