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create new input text box in the same page when pressinh button

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I am trying to do that when someone will press the button, it will create in the same page new input textbox, what I did is:

function blabla()
document.write("<tr><td> bla")
document.write(":</td><td><input name='Option")
document.write("' type='text' /></td></tr>") 

Everything is great, it does make a new textbox but it clears the page and then makes only new text box..I want it to create new text box in the same page, below the button, how?


put the style="display:'none;'" in the tr instead of the td

Ok, done..now it works but to show it I do style="display:'block;'", in IE it works fine but in FIREFOX it is not working good and table messes up, how can I solve it?

remove the single quotes:

style="display:none", not style="display:'none;'"



and another thing: for firefox (and every standards compilant browser for that matter) you should set style="display:table-cell" for tds, not block. You'll have to do some browser checking because IE doesn't recognise table-cell for display property.

actually, don't use display:block;


Not sure you set the script up, but here is what works


Let's say this is your html (notice the id in the tr tag)

<tr id="TR_ID" style="display:none;">


Your button will call the following Javascript function once clicked

function show_tr(){
document.getElementById('TR_ID').style.display = "";

You can add an if statment to toggle the display between "none" and "";



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