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[SOLVED] Turning 04 into April


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How can I turn 04 into April


I tried date(F, 04); but it obviously wants the day and year aswell for that to work which in my script wont be available


The work around is just have a load of if statements, but thats not very practically


Any simplied function or way around it


01 = Jan

02 = Feb



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Just use an array for the conversion


$monthArr = array(01 => "Jan", 02 => "Feb", 03 => "Mar", 04 => "April");

print $monthArr[04];


As far as converting I guess you could do something like this


$April = mktime(0,0,0,4,1,2007);
$displayDate = date('F', $April);


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i upgraded this to a switch() at home... but i dont have it here :-) it works perfectly well enough :-)

function switch_month($m){
while($m{0}=="0") $m = substr($m,1);
$m = strtolower($m);
if($m==1) $M="january";
if($m==2) $M="february";
if($m==3) $M="march";
if($m==4) $M="april";
if($m==5) $M="may";
if($m==6) $M="june";
if($m==7) $M="july";
if($m== $M="august";
if($m==9) $M="september";
if($m==10) $M="october";
if($m==11) $M="november";
if($m==12) $M="december";
if($m==january) $M="1";
if($m==february) $M="2";
if($m==march) $M="3";
if($m==april) $M="4";
if($m==may) $M="5";
if($m==june) $M="6";
if($m==july) $M="7";
if($m==august) $M="8";
if($m==september) $M="9";
if($m==october) $M="10";
if($m==november) $M="11";
if($m==december) $M="12";
return $M;

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The second argument for the date() function needs to be a UNIX timestamp. If you really want to use the date() function, you can do:

$mnth = '04';
$ascii_mnth = date('F',strtotime(date('Y') . '-' . $mnth . '-01'));
echo $ascii_mnth;


Much simpler would be to use an array:

$mnths = array('','January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December');
$mnth = '04';
$ascii_mnth = $mnths[intval($mnth)];
echo $ascii_mnth;



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there we go... rechanged it :-)


function switch_month($m){
while($m{0}=="0") $m=substr($m,1);
  case "1": return "january"; break;
  case "2": return "february"; break;
  case "3": return "march"; break;
  case "4": return "april"; break;
  case "5": return "may"; break;
  case "6": return "june"; break;
  case "7": return "july"; break;
  case "8": return "august"; break;
  case "9": return "september"; break;
  case "10": return "october"; break;
  case "11": return "november"; break;
  case "12": return "december"; break;
  case "january": return "1"; break;
  case "february": return "2"; break;
  case "march": return "3"; break;
  case "april": return "4"; break;
  case "may": return "5"; break;
  case "june": return "6"; break;
  case "july": return "7"; break;
  case "august": return "8"; break;
  case "september": return "9"; break;
  case "october": return "10"; break;
  case "november": return "11"; break;
  case "december": return "12"; break;
echo switch_month(rand(1,12));

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I use a variation of the last posting, -- Rather this does just the Opposite, April into '04'


<?	$mdigit = "$month";
switch($mdigit) {
    case "January";
$m1 = "01";
    case "February";
$m1 = "02";
case "March";
$m1 = "03";
case "April";
$m1 = "04";
case "May";
$m1 = "05";
case  "June";
$m1 = "06";
    case "July";
$m1 = "07";
    case "August";
$m1 = "08";
case "September";
$m1 = "09";
case "October";
$m1 = "10";
case "November";
$m1 = "05";
case  "December";
$m1 = "06";
echo "";
echo  $m1; ?>

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