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123-reg.co.uk / Pipex problems


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Anyone else having real trouble with 123-reg?


I've got loads of domains with them, just added hosting to one package, and wish I hadn't!


I've emailed them, I'm calling them and the phone just rings off the hook. No answer - nothing!


Anyone else got the same thing?

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not here. personally, i find 123-reg the absolute best for domain names. however, the company (pipex) itself can be a bit confusing, as i think 123-reg also offer hosting, but the main hosting arm of pipex is webfusion.


what I always do - get my domain names from 123-reg (cheap and gives 100% control over DNS, etc and easy to transfer to clients, etc) and get my hosting from http://www.webfusion.co.uk - they're all pretty much in the same boat and compatible. Support is 24x7 so not sure why you're having probs getting through, but by all means try via webfusion site instead. Tis all the same company. You're lucky you werent with webfusion several months ago, else support would have been via a premium rate number...


It depends on your needs for the domains, but either way - check out the webfusion site for your hosting.

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OK, I might try them... Seriously, though, I emailed 4 days ago... no answer.. I've called non-stop, phone just rings off the hook.


If you type "123-reg support" into Google, you will find a number of similarly disgruntled customers.


I seriously do not recommend them for hosting, and I would be nervous about trying anyone else who was part of the same company!

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I seriously do not recommend them for hosting, and I would be nervous about trying anyone else who was part of the same company!

i see where you're coming from there. However, I would definitely recommend the Webfusion part of Pipex to anyone for hosting (I cant speak for 123-reg hosting as I've never used it, but its probably aimed more at the hobbyist who wants something VERY simple). Yeah I've had my problems with W.F - but you get those anywhere. People generally only write stuff when they have a problem, hence the volume of complains you see about companies.


I've tried others for domain registration, but for ease of use coupled with the full control + price you get with 123-reg. I'd stick with them even if Webfusion decided to piss me off.


I only left Newnet because I needed a VPS, but if it's just regular hosting you want, check them out: http://www.newnet.co.uk/powerhost/business.php - I found the hosting very reliable and fast and whilst the company seems quite small, the support is very good (notably by email, but phone support kinda ok too)

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As for the complaints, I've not had a problem with the registration side of things and I've probably had about 15 domains in all with them (com and co.uk). Like I say, take the complains on board but ultimately with a pinch of salt, as people only tend to speak up when they have a problem. What you never see is a thread dedicated to how good they are, or a post saying that they got it resolved and all is good.


Having said that, I'd probably consider myself fairly technically minded, so I just know what to do and what I'm looking for - I can see how someone who's just doing a personal site or something might be a bit confused setting it all up.


(ps I do not work for any of these companies ;D )

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Just to add to this: I finally got through to 123-reg after holding on the phone for 22 minutes (and they were very good and efficient when I did speak to them. They said: we don't support PHP on any of our servers. That is why your pages aren't working. Not sure why this isn't on the website anywhere)


Now using webfusion, and it's been set up super-fast. Agree with previous correspondent that they seem (so far) to be great. And they DO support PHP.

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