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" are getting in the way


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hello guys " are getting in my way, when i create a user in my application, i cant delte him because " get in the way because i pass the user id throgh the querystring get and it affects obviously the SQL string, i tried replacing them char(32) as there called but no luck anyways i wana stop them getting in.


i whant to filter out " from a string i tried using count char and stuff like that but i just cant seem to detect them i know there char(32) because i printed them out.


can somone show me how to, for instance just redirect if its found in a string, i know how to redirect just not how to find "


Thanks very much for any help


it is a bit of an emergencey

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Its very hard to understand your question exactly (English not your first language?) but, prior to storing any users inputted data in the database run it through mysql_real_escape_string. This should fix your issue.


english is my first language but i had a bottle of vodka last night and have been doing my final year project for 6 days and 6 nights and i am a little bit woosy

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english is my first language but i had a bottle of vodka last night and have been doing my final year project for 6 days and 6 nights and i am a little bit woosy


Great. Ever thought about giving it a miss until you sober up?

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my lifes work will come to an end after this one so i cant screw it up, its got AJAX multiple order processing and realtime updates, AJAX fuzzy logic mouseover the item based recordings and reltime advert updating based on your mouse over the items and how long for etc. its prety well documented and i also just finished an ADA fire alarm monitoring system. its these damn small things that get me man at the last moment. looks like im getting somwere please stay tuned as i may need some expert advice.


thnx alot man

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1 cracked it


Javascript form validation


<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">

function validate_required(field,alerttxt){

with (field){

pos = value.lastIndexOf("\"")


if (value == null || value == "" || pos){


return false


else {

return true




function validate_form(thisform){

with (thisform){

if (validate_required(userid,"UserID contains error")==false){


return false


if (validate_required(email,"Email contains error")==false){


return false


if (validate_required(password,"Password contains error")==false){


return false






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