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Hi.. wondering if this is possible.. Here are my tables:






I would like to query a record set to get






COUNT of TRIPS where the THEATER ID appears in my TRIPS.THEATERLIST, pipe-separated string...




I'll eventually use that zip-code range finder, so that I can use a

COUNT of PEOPLE where their PEOPLE.ZIPCODE in (10001, 10002...) <-- meaning a 25mi radius of THEATERS.ZIPCODE.



Can somebody help me concoct this query?

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This query works on a mock up I made of your db structure:


SUM(trips.theaterlist REGEXP CONCAT('theaters.id',theaters.id,'[[:>:]]')) AS zips
theaters LEFT JOIN
(SELECT DISTINCT zipcode FROM people) AS pz ON theaters.zipcode=pz.zipcode,
GROUP BY theaters.id;

// ...yields:

| id | zipcode | zips |
|  1 | 12345   |    3 |
|  2 | 15551   |    2 |
|  3 | 67776   |    1 |
|  4 | 90990   |    2 |
|  5 | 43224   |    0 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Where the data was as follows:

mysql> select * from theaters; select *,COUNT(*) from people GROUP BY zipcode; select * from trips;
| id | zipcode |
|  1 | 12345   |
|  2 | 15551   |
|  3 | 67776   |
|  4 | 90990   |
|  5 | 43224   |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

| zipcode | COUNT(*) |
| 12345   |        6 |
| 15551   |        6 |
| 54321   |        1 |
| 67776   |        2 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

| id | theaterlist                                         |
|  1 | theaters.id1|theaters.id2                           |
|  2 | theaters.id3|theaters.id4|theaters.id1|theaters.id4 |
|  3 | theaters.id1                                        |
|  4 | theaters.id2|theaters.id4                           |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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.. hmm.. well those individual queries

(mysql> select * from theaters; select *,COUNT(*) from people GROUP BY zipcode; select * from trips;)

works without problem.. but when I run the combined query




SUM(trips.theaterlist REGEXP CONCAT('theaters.id',theaters.id,'[[:>:]]')) AS zips


theaters LEFT JOIN

(SELECT DISTINCT zipcode FROM people) AS pz ON theaters.zipcode=pz.zipcode,


GROUP BY theaters.id;)

I get an error from mysql:



#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT DISTINCT zipcode FROM people) AS pz ON theaters.zipcode

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Could be that I'm translating the tables, columns that I used for this post, wrong with the actual columns/table names.. Sorry, Wildbug, only did that cuz I didn't want to confuse ppl


here's the real stuff:


Table: meet_theatres

cols: id, zip


(id is a unique identifier, zip is the zipcode for that theater record)


Table: meet_profile

cols: id, theatres


(id is a unique identifier, theatres looks like this "3362|2878|2881|2883|2885", where 3362 is an id from meet_theatres)


Table: member

cols: id, zipcode


(id, again unique identifier, zipcode is the member's personal zipcode, like your people table)


this is the translation of your query:


SUM(meet_profile.theatres REGEXP CONCAT('meet_theatres.id',meet_theatres.id,'[[:>:]]')) AS zips
meet_theatres LEFT JOIN(SELECT DISTINCT zipcode FROM member) AS pz ON meet_theatres.zip=pz.zipcode,
GROUP BY meet_theatres.id;

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Ah!  Okay.  I was working with your original information.  The first thing wrong now that I see is that the REGEXP/CONCAT bit is different than what you're actually working with.  It's trying to match 'meet_theaters.id3362' instead of '3362'...so change that part to:


SUM(meet_profile.theaters REGEXP CONCAT(meet_theaters.id,[[:>:]]')) AS zips

// ...or...

SUM(meet_profile.theaters LIKE CONCAT('%',meet_theaters.id,'%')) AS zips


If all of your meet_theater.id's are the same length (four digits), then you shouldn't need the word boundary portion of the regular expression ([[:>:]]) -- that's just to avoid matching shorter numbers in longers ones (like '86' in '3864').


Did my original mock up seem to capture the data in the way you were expecting?


(Incidently, it's generally considered a bad idea to keep data in delimited strings like that.  A "proper" database would have them in yet another, seperate table.  Or, if member ID and theater ID are the only columns, then they could be seperated such that each is its own row.)



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hi wildbug.. thanks for the afterschool help with this one.


would 3362


be found in 3362|2878|2881|2883|2885


be found in 2878|2881|3362|2883|2885


be found in 2878|2881|2885|2883|3362



likewise, what happens if we search 62, would it



be found in 3362|2878|2881|2883|2885


be found in 2878|2881|62|2883|2885



.. I know I know.. i'm seriously regretting my choice to pipe-separate like that.

it was just really easy at the time. I'm sure I wouldn't be in this boat if i had done the table design like you recommend.



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Another question for you..


The phpZipLocator uses this php function to grab all zipcodes within x mile radius of a provided zipcode:


function inradius($zip,$radius)
    	$i = "";
        global $db_zip;
        $query="SELECT * FROM zipData WHERE zipcode='$zip'";

        if($db_zip->affected_rows()<>0) {
            $query="SELECT zipcode FROM zipData WHERE (POW((69.1*(lon-\"$lon\")*cos($lat/57.3)),\"2\")+POW((69.1*(lat-\"$lat\")),\"2\"))<($radius*$radius) ";
            if($db_zip->affected_rows()<>0) {
                while($db_zip->next_record()) {
            return "Zip Code not found";
     return $zipArray;
    } // end func


Since we're starting with meet_theatres.zip,

can we join the zipData table (to get the lat/lon),

and return a count of members (member.zipcode) that are in that result?



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hi wildbug.. thanks for the afterschool help with this one.


would 3362


be found in 3362|2878|2881|2883|2885


be found in 2878|2881|3362|2883|2885


be found in 2878|2881|2885|2883|3362



likewise, what happens if we search 62, would it



be found in 3362|2878|2881|2883|2885


be found in 2878|2881|62|2883|2885



.. I know I know.. i'm seriously regretting my choice to pipe-separate like that.

it was just really easy at the time. I'm sure I wouldn't be in this boat if i had done the table design like you recommend.



Search for it with pipes on either side... and yes, you should never do this again.

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Search for it with pipes on either side... and yes, you should never do this again.


That wouldn't return what he expects in the case of a lone number or one at either terminus of the string.  Searching with word boundries works in all cases.  Of course, if they are and will always be four digit numbers (or however many, but all of the same length) then the inclusion of neither word boundries nor pipes would be necessary because there would not be the chance of a shorter numeric string matching within a longer one.

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