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[SOLVED] PHP/Javascript autocomplete menu


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Hi I'm trying to get some cool auto-complete features going for my website. I have a drop down menu that works fine pulling from my database, but would like to spruce it up. The drop-down contains a concatenated record separate by a "|". What I would really like is for the menu to filter based on the first letter of the first word AND/OR the first word *after* the "|". I've looked at some javascript type ahead functions and they don't seem to accomplish much beyond the basic funcionality of a drop-down built by Dreamweaver, as far as I can tell.

To be more clear, lets say I have a list from the query that has clients (Emily, Bob, James) and activities (email, filing, jousting) and for each client, each activity is listed, for a total of 9 records. If the user types "J" I would like the list to filter as such:






Am I crazy?

I'm posting my code as is if it helps.

This is my code as is:

<select name="id_timesheet_code">
          <option value="null">--Please Select--</option>
do {  
          <option value="<?php echo $row_rsActivityMenu['id']?>"><?php echo $row_rsActivityMenu['code']?></option>
} while ($row_rsActivityMenu = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsActivityMenu));
  $rows = mysql_num_rows($rsActivityMenu);
  if($rows > 0) {
      mysql_data_seek($rsActivityMenu, 0);
  $row_rsActivityMenu = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsActivityMenu);

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Here is a sample fancy select menu, let me know if you have any questions.


Basiclly, the list is an array, when the user type something a function will go through the array and match the first characters with the user input. If it match, it'll add it to the drop down div.


Good luck

<script language="javascript">
var list = new Array("James|jousting","Bob|jousting","Emily|jousting","James|email","James|filing","someone|else","kaaa?|where","why|any");

function update_list(){
	var txt = "";
	var str = document.getElementById('sel_search').value.toLowerCase();
	for (i=0; i<list.length; i++){
		list_arr = list[i].split("|");
		if ((list_arr[0].substr(0, str.length).toLowerCase() == str) || (list_arr[1].substr(0, str.length).toLowerCase() == str)){
			txt += "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('sel_search').value=this.innerHTML;\">"+list[i]+"</a><br />";

	if (txt == "") txt = "No options were found";

	document.getElementById('sel_div').innerHTML = txt;


<input type="text" style="width:200px;" id="sel_search" onkeyup="update_list()" onfocus="update_list(); document.getElementById('sel_div').style.display='';" onblur="setTimeout('document.getElementById(\'sel_div\').style.display=\'none\'',100);" /><br />
<div style="width:200px; height:300px; overflow:scroll; display:none;" id="sel_div"></div>

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That's really cool and does exactly what I am trying to accomplish. Now I just need to figure out how to populate the array from my database. Which I guess means I need to learn ajax. arghh.


Thank you very much for your help. This is definetely making me believe I can do this. :)

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