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Hello everybody!


I just started developing in PHP and have used this site as a resource many times.  Thank you guys for your support and I hope I can contribute as well. 


I am currently developing a login page for a client using PHP5.  I made a very newbie mistake and did not test my script with IE, only Firefox.  I finished writing the code with everything working fine on Firefox and now the login page doesn't work in IE.  I have spent all day yesterday trying to figure it out (ie. session problem, cache problem, redirection error, etc...) but with no results.  If you guys could help me out -- it would be so awesome.


The url for the live test is :




I have a simple authentication process where the input is checked and upon successful login, the user is redirected to his designated page where only his files will be displayed.


The login/pass is : needhelp / thanks


Everything (sessions, redirection) works fine in Firefox.


The code for my index.php login page is at:




I'm guessing it's a cache-related problem but I may not be sure.  If you guys could also note any "bad" coding techniques I am using, I would greatly honor any comments. 


Thank you so much guys -- use the login/user for a test on Firefox.  My email is [email protected].  Thank you once again!




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Oh, I see the problem.  Actually if it works with Firefox then Firefox has the problem, not IE.


If your 'submit' is handled by an image, then $doSubmit should not exist in the $_REQUEST array (sloppy when the form uses the method "post"). Instead what exists are the x and y coordinates of where the image was clicked relative to its upper left corner.  The variables in the passed array are $_POST['doSumbit_x'] and $_POST['doSubmit_y'].  Try checking for either of those.

Dear fellas,


You guys are pure geniuses.

I only hope to become good programmers like you.

How in the word did you figure that out, AndyB??

Geees -- where do I have to go to learn the extra

mile of coding experience?


And yes -- agentsteal, I did see that problem.  Thank you!

I was running the post through the html field box which

I don't even need to do.


And to neoform...haha yes -- it is rather not secure.


I am so glad -- you guys are truly awesome and I will

continue to only use this board.  Hopefully, there is a super

newbie (more newbie than me) that I could help out.


And also, one more question if I may ask, how is my code,

in general?  I am rather new at programming so I am not

that certain.


Finally, how about my headers?  Is that fine? I guess I have

to read more about it.


Once again, thank you guys!



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