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multi dimensional cookies

PC Nerd

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firstly, can i create a cookie, drectly from a hmtl form?



is it possible to have a multi domensional cookie, ie:


cookie = documdnt.cookie


cookie[index1][index2] etc.



can i do this?


if not, how would i have something like that?, can i make POST datab or GET data like this?




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so how would i do this.....


i have 10 forms, and i need each form to become an array ( its fields the arrays elements...)


i dont really mind if its POST data, or simply a cookie, and can i do this directly from the form eg method = '' action = '' etc/.




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cookies can BE arrays.....




no... cookies cannot hold arrays... now if one were to serialize/implode the array, sure it'd work... but its not an array then... its a string.

serializing an array produces a string - unserializing a string that was formed from an array will produce an array...

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i didnt say cookies couldnt be arrays... i said they couldnt hold arrays...



only  gives errors...


now... for javascript... you can turn arrays into strings like so...

function implode(array,seperator){ 
return array.join(seperator);


personally... i havent found a way of exploding yet...

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thats why I said they can BE arrays...


array.split() is the js equivalent of explode.


My personal opinion is not use javascript for setting cookies - let the server do it - you don't need to worry if js is activated or not then.

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you can like this.


if you know its a 2-d array...


foreach($_POST[index1] as $outerkey => $arr)
foreach($arr as $innnerkey => $val)
  setcookie('cookie[' . $outerkey . '][' . $innerkey . ']', $val);

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forgive me, javascript is not my first language... some of this probably will be wrong... lol


and just to make things php consistant...

<s cript>
function implode(seperator,array){
return array.join(seperator);
function explode(seperator,array){
return array.split(seperator);

var string=implode('|',array);
</s cript>

then you just need to set the string, to the cookie :D... i included the explode there too if you want to go backwards :-)

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