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Dynamic Dependent menus; HELP!


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Hi, I am working on developing a web interface to query a MySQL database based on various user selected options. I am very new to all of this but I am trying to piece together a Javascript and PHP solution.



The interface will have 15 dropdown menus; each menu will become populated based on the selection of the prior menu. Essentially, it will allow the visitors to quickly drill down through the database and retrieve only the necessary transactions(Example: first show all departments then given a departmental selection show all divisions in the department, then given a division show all programs in the division...etc... and finally, print all related transactions within a selected timeframe).



The first menu does populate and the second menu does populate based on the first selection; however, when trying to making a selection from the second menu to populate the third menu the entire page is being reloaded????


How do I force the program to either keep posting the prior selections or force the page to only reload certaing menu boxes?



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I know its messy but like I said I'm just learning. Any help on how to clean up the code would also be very much appreciated.


NOTE: "#" added to certain sections of the code


Thank you.


<TITLE>Office of the ####</TITLE>
/* Connect to Database "####_####" */
$host = 'localhost';
$user = '####';
$pw = '####';
$db = '####';
mysql_connect($host, $user, $pw);

	/*Selected Values*/
	$deptselected = "";
	if (isset($_POST['department'])) {
		$deptselected = $_POST['department'];

	$pgmselected = "";
	if (isset($_POST['pgmID'])) {
		$pgmselected = $_POST['pgmID'];

	$mofvalue = "";
	if (isset($POST['MOF'])) {
		$mofvalue = $_POST['MOF'];

<script type="text/javascript">

function clearInput(e){ 

function validateSelectBoxesRev() {
var msg = "";
var fromDate = new Date(x.fromYear.value,x.fromMonth.value-1,01)
var toDate = new Date(x.toYear.value,x.toMonth.value-1,01)

if (Date.parse(fromDate) > Date.parse(toDate))
  msg = msg+"'From Date' ("+(x.fromMonth.value)+"/"+x.fromYear.value+") cannot be later than 'To Date' ("+(x.toMonth.value)+"/"+x.toYear.value+")!!\n";
  if (msg != "")
    return false;
    return true;

function validateSelectBoxesExp() {
var msg = "";
var fromDate = new Date(x.fromYear.value,x.fromMonth.value-1,01);
var toDate = new Date(x.toYear.value,x.toMonth.value-1,01);

if (Date.parse(fromDate) > Date.parse(toDate))
  msg = msg+"'From Date' ("+(x.fromMonth.value)+"/"+x.fromYear.value+") cannot be later than 'To Date' ("+(x.toMonth.value)+"/"+x.toYear.value+")!!\n";
  if (msg != "")
    return false;
    return true;

function callGetDepartments()
function callGetProgramIDs()
function callGetMOFs()
function callGetAppnTypes()
function callGetFunds()
function callGetFiscalYears()
function callGetaccounts()
function callGetAppnAccounts()
function callGetCostCenters()
function callGetActivities()
function callGetObjSources()
function callGetObjSourcesMajor()
function callGetFromFMs()
function callGetFromFYs()
// first post a message that FY 2000 is not complete
if (x.fromFYs.value == "2000")
  alert("Warning: FY 2000 transactions for months 01 through 02 are not available for download.");
function callGetToFMs()
function callGetToFYs()
function validateFields() {
  var msg = "";
  if (document.dept_form.department.value == "-MULTI-" && x.multiDeptSelected.value == "no")
    msg = msg+"'MULTI' Departments set but no values selected!\n";
  if (document.div_form.division.value == "-MULTI-" && x.multiDivSelected.value == "no")
    msg = msg+"'MULTI' Divisions set but no values selected!\n";
  if (document.prog_form.programID.value == "-MULTI-" && x.multiProgIdSelected.value == "no")
    msg = msg+"'MULTI' ProgramIDs set but no values selected!\n";
  if (document.MOF_form.mof.value == "-MULTI-" && x.multiMofSelected.value == "no")
    msg = msg+"'MULTI' MOFs set but no values selected!\n";
  if (document.appnType_form.appnType.value == "-MULTI-" && x.multiAppnTypeSelected.value == "no")
    msg = msg+"'MULTI' Appn. Types set but no values selected!\n";
  if (document.fund_form.fund.value == "-MULTI-" && x.multiFundSelected.value == "no")
    msg = msg+"'MULTI' Funds set but no values selected!\n";
  if (document.fiscalYear_form.fiscalYear.value == "-MULTI-" && x.multiFySelected.value == "no")
    msg = msg+"'MULTI' Fiscal Years set but no values selected!\n";
  if (document.account_form.appnAcct.value == "-MULTI-" && x.multiAppnAcctSelected.value == "no")
    msg = msg+"'MULTI' Appn. Accounts set but no values selected!\n";

  if (document.costCenter_form.costCenter.value == "-MULTI-" && x.multiCcSelected.value == "no")
    msg = msg+"'MULTI' Cost Centers set but no values selected!\n";
  if (document.activity_form.activity.value == "-MULTI-" && x.multiActSelected.value == "no")
    msg = msg+"'MULTI' Activities set but no values selected!\n";
  if (document.objSource_form.objSource.value == "-MULTI-" && x.multiObjSrcSelected.value == "no")
    msg = msg+"'MULTI' Object Sources set but no values selected!\n";
  if (document.objSourceMajor_form.objSourceMajor.value == "-MULTI-" && x.multiObjSrcMjrSelected.value == "no")
    msg = msg+"'MULTI' Object Source Majors set but no values selected!\n";
  if (msg != "")
    return false;
    return true;


<H2 ALIGN="center"></H2>
<TABLE border="0" width="100%">
<TD align="CENTER">
<TABLE class="topForm">
			<TR align="center">
				<TD valign="bottom">Department</TD>
				<TD valign="bottom">Program ID</TD>
				<TD valign="bottom">MOF</TD>
				<TD valign="bottom">Appn Type</TD>
				<TD valign="bottom">Fund</TD>
				<TD valign="bottom">Fiscal Year</TD>
				<TD valign="bottom">Account<br>
				<TD valign="bottom">Appn Acct<br>
				<TD valign="bottom">Cost Center</TD>
				<TD valign="bottom">Activity</TD>
			<TR align="center">
				<TD valign="top">
				<form name="dept_form" method="post" action="/audit/index.php">
				<input type="hidden" name="jspAction" value="departmentChanged">
				<select name="department" onchange="return callGetDepartments()">

				function selectDepartment ()

				$deptselected = "";
				if (isset($_POST['department'])) {
					$deptselected = $_POST['department'];
					$select_departments = "SELECT * FROM departments";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_departments);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$department = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($department == "")
							$init_dept = $department;
						if ($department == $deptselected)
							print ("<option selected>$department</option>\n");
							$deptselected = $department;
							print ("<option>$department</option>\n");
				selectDepartment ()

				<TD valign="top">
				<form name="prog_form" method="post" action="/audit/index.php">
				<input type="hidden" name="jspAction" value="programIDChanged">
				<select name="programID" onchange="return callGetProgramIDs()">

				function selectProgramID ()
				$pgmselected = "";
				if (isset($_POST['pgmID'])) {
					$pgmselected = $_POST['pgmID'];

					$deptselected = $_POST['department'];
					$select_pgmID = "SELECT pgmID FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' GROUP by pgmID";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_pgmID);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$pgmID = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($count == 0)
							print ("<option>%</option>\n");
						if ($department == $deptselected)
							print ("<option selected>$pgmID</option>\n");
							$pgmIDselected = $pgmID;
							print ("<option>$pgmID</option>\n");
				selectProgramID ()

				<TD valign="top">
				<form name="MOF_form" method="post" action="/audit/index.php">
				<input type="hidden" name="jspAction" value="mofChanged">
				<select name="MOF" onchange="return callGetMOFs()">

				function selectMOF ()
					$select_MOF = "SELECT MOF FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' and pgmID = '$pgmIDselected' GROUP by MOF";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_MOF);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$MOF = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($pgmIDselected == "%")
							$init_mof = $MOF;
						if ($MOF == $mofvalue)
							print ("<option selected>$MOF</option>\n");
							$mofselected = $MOF;
							print ("<option>$MOF</option>\n");

				<!--Appn Type------------------------------------------->
				<TD valign="top">
				<form name="appnType_form" method="post" action="/audit/index.php">
				<input type="hidden" name="jspAction" value="appnTypeChanged">
				<select name="appnType" onchange="return callGetAppnTypes()">

				function selectappropriation ()
					$select_appn = "SELECT appntype FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' GROUP by appntype";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_appn);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$appn = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($count == 0)
							$init_appn = $appn;
						if ($appn == $appnvalue)
							print ("<option selected>$appn</option>\n");	
							$mofselected = $appn;
							print ("<option>$appn</option>\n");

				<TD valign="top">
				<form name="fund_form" method="post" action="/audit/index.php">
				<input type="hidden" name="jspAction" value="fundChanged">
				<select name="fund" onchange="return callGetFunds()">

				function selectFund ()
					$select_fund = "SELECT LEFT(ffyacct, 1) AS 'FUND' FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' GROUP by 'FUND'";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_fund);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$fund = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($count == 0)
							$init_fund = $fund;
						if ($fund == $fundvalue)
							print ("<option selected>$fund</option>\n");
							$fundselected = $fund;
							print ("<option>$fund</option>\n");

				<!--Fiscal Year------------------------------------------->
				<TD valign="top">
				<form name="fiscalYear_form" method="post" action="/audit/index.php">
				<input type="hidden" name="jspAction" value="fiscalYearChanged">
				<select name="fiscalYear" onchange="return callGetFiscalYears()">

				function selectfiscalyear ()
					$select_fy = "SELECT LEFT(fyfm, 4) AS 'Fiscal Year' FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' GROUP by 					'Fiscal Year'";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_fy);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$fy = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($count == 0)
							$init_fy = $fy;
						if ($fy == $fyvalue)
							print ("<option selected>$fy</option>\n");
							$fyselected = $fy;
							print ("<option>$fy</option>\n");

				<TD valign="top">
				<form name="account" method="post" action="/audit/index.php">
				<input type="hidden" name="jspAction" value="fiscalYearChanged">
				<select name="account" onchange="return callGetaccounts()">

				function selectaccount ()
					$select_account = "SELECT RIGHT(ffyacct, 3) AS 'account' FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' GROUP by 					'account'";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_account);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$account = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($count == 0)
							$init_account = $account;
						if ($account == $fyvalue)
							print ("<option selected>$account</option>\n");
							$accountselected = $account;
							print ("<option>$account</option>\n");

				<TD valign="top">
				<form name="account_form" method="post" action="/audit/index.php">
				<input type="hidden" name="jspAction" value="appnAcctChanged">
				<select name="appnAcct" onchange="return callGetAppnAccounts()">

				function selectffyacct ()
					$select_acct = "SELECT ffyacct FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' GROUP by ffyacct";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_acct);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$acct = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($count == 0)
							$init_acct = $acct;
						if ($acct == $acctvalue)
							print ("<option selected>$acct</option>\n");
							$acctselected = $acct;
							print ("<option>$acct</option>\n");


				<TD valign="top">
				<form name="costCenter_form" method="post" action="/audit/index.php">
				<input type="hidden" name="jspAction" value="costCenterChanged">
				<select name="costCenter" onchange="return callGetCostCenters()">

				function selectcostcenter ()
					$select_cc = "SELECT cc FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' GROUP by cc";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_cc);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$cc = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($count == 0)
							$init_cc = $cc;
						if ($cc == $ccselected)
							print ("<option selected>$cc</option>\n");
							$ccselected = $cc;
							print ("<option>$cc</option>\n");

				<TD valign="top">
				<form name="activity_form" method="post" action="/audit/index.php">
				<input type="hidden" name="jspAction" value="activityChanged">
				<select name="activity" onchange="return callGetActivities()">

				function selectactivity ()
					$select_act = "SELECT act FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' GROUP by act";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_act);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$act = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($count == 0)
							$init_act = $act;
						if ($act == $actselected)
							print ("<option selected>$act</option>\n");
							$actselected = $act;
							print ("<option>$act</option>\n");

			<TR align="center">
				<TD valign="bottom" nowrap>Obj.Code<br>
				/ Source</TD>
				<TD valign="bottom">Major<br>
				<TD valign="bottom">From FM*</TD>
				<TD valign="bottom">From FY*</TD>
				<TD valign="bottom">To FM*</TD>
				<TD valign="bottom">To FY*</TD>

			<TR align="center">
				<!--Object Source------------------------------------------->
				<TD valign="top">
				<form name="objSource_form" method="post" action="/audit/index.php">
				<input type="hidden" name="jspAction" value="objSourceChanged">
				<select name="objSource" onchange="return callGetObjSources()">

				function objectcode ()
					$select_obj = "SELECT obj FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' GROUP by obj";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_obj);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$obj = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($count == 0)
							$init_obj = $obj;
						if ($obj == $objselected)
							print ("<option selected>$obj</option>\n");
							$objselected = $obj;
							print ("<option>$obj</option>\n");

				<!--Object Source Major ------------------------------------------->
				<TD valign="top">
				<form name="objSourceMajor_form" method="post" action="/audit/index.php">
				<input type="hidden" name="jspAction" value="objSourceMajorChanged">
				<select name="objSourceMajor" onchange="return callGetObjSourcesMajor()">

				function majorobjectcode ()
					$select_major_obj = "SELECT LEFT(obj, 2) AS 'major obj' FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' GROUP by 					'major obj'";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_major_obj);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$majorobj = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($count == 0)
							$init_majorobj = $majorobj;
						if ($majorobj == $majorobjselected)
							print ("<option selected>$majorobj</option>\n");
							$majorobjselected = $obj;
							print ("<option>$majorobj</option>\n");

				<TD valign="top" nowrap>
				<form name="fromFM_form" method="post" action="/datamart/SetFromFMSelection">
				<input type="hidden" name="fromFMChanged" value="true">
				<input type="hidden" name="nextPage" value="/datamart/famis/asStandardDownloads.jsp">
				<select name="fromFMs" onchange="return callGetFromFMs()">

				function selectfromfiscalmonth ()
					$select_fromfm = "SELECT RIGHT(fyfm, 2) AS 'from Fiscal Month' FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' 					GROUP by 'from Fiscal Month'";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_fromfm);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$fromfm = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($count == 0)
							$init_fromfm = $fromfm;
						if ($fromfm == $fromfmvalue)
							print ("<option selected>$fromfm</option>\n");
							$fromfmselected = $fromfm;
							print ("<option>$fromfm</option>\n");

				</select> *</form>
				<TD valign="top" nowrap>
				<form name="fromFY_form" method="post" action="/datamart/SetFromFYSelection">
				<input type="hidden" name="fromFYChanged" value="true">
				<input type="hidden" name="nextPage" value="/datamart/famis/asStandardDownloads.jsp">
				<select name="fromFYs" onchange="return callGetFromFYs()">

				function selectfromfiscalyear ()
					$select_fromfy = "SELECT LEFT(fyfm, 4) AS 'from Fiscal Year' FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' GROUP 					by 'from Fiscal Year'";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_fromfy);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$fromfy = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($count == 0)
							$init_fromfy = $fromfy;
						if ($fromfy == $fromfyvalue)
							print ("<option selected>$fromfy</option>\n");
							$fromfyselected = $fromfy;
							print ("<option>$fromfy</option>\n");

				</select> *</form>
				<TD valign="top" nowrap>
				<form name="toFM_form" method="post" action="/datamart/SetToFMSelection">
				<input type="hidden" name="toFMChanged" value="true">
				<input type="hidden" name="nextPage" value="/datamart/famis/asStandardDownloads.jsp">
				<select name="toFMs" onchange="return callGetToFMs()">

				function selecttofiscalmonth ()
					$select_tofm = "SELECT RIGHT(fyfm, 2) AS 'to Fiscal Month' FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' GROUP by 					'to Fiscal Month'";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_tofm);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$tofm = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($count == 0)
							$init_tofm = $tofm;
						if ($tofm == $tofmvalue)
							print ("<option selected>$tofm</option>\n");
							$tofmselected = $tofm;
							print ("<option>$tofm</option>\n");

				</select> *</form>
				<TD valign="top" nowrap>
				<form name="toFY_form" method="post" action="/datamart/SetToFYSelection">
				<input type="hidden" name="toFYChanged" value="true">
				<input type="hidden" name="nextPage" value="/datamart/famis/asStandardDownloads.jsp">
				<select name="toFYs" onchange="return callGetToFYs()">

				function selecttofiscalyear ()
					$select_tofy = "SELECT LEFT(fyfm, 4) AS 'to Fiscal Year' FROM ccaexpenditures WHERE dept = '$deptselected' GROUP by 					'to Fiscal Year'";

					$query_result = mysql_query($select_tofy);

					for ($count = 0; $count < mysql_num_rows($query_result); $count ++)
						$tofy = mysql_result($query_result, $count, 0);
						if ($count == 0)
							$init_tofy = $tofy;
						if ($tofy == $tofyvalue)
							print ("<option selected>$tofy</option>\n");
							$tofyselected = $tofy;
							print ("<option>$tofy</option>\n");

				</select> *</form>
<TD align="CENTER"><!--==================================== Standard Download Buttons =============-->

<TABLE class="form" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">

		<TR align="center">
			<TD valign="top">
			<form name="getDownloadRevenueData" method="post"
				onSubmit="return validateFields()"
				<input type="hidden" name="multiDeptSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiProgIdSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiMofSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiAppnTypeSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiFundSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiFySelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiAppnAcctSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiCsSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiActSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiObjSrcSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiObjSrcMjrSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="standardDownload" value="yes">
				<input type="hidden" name="nextPage" value="/datamart/famis/asStandardDownloads.jsp">
				<input type="hidden" name="gotDataFrom" value="Revenue">
				<input type="hidden" name="fromMonth" value="-SEL-">
				<input type="hidden" name="fromYear" value="-SEL-">
				<input type="hidden" name="toMonth" value="-SEL-">
				<input type="hidden" name="toYear" value="-SEL-"> 
				<input type="submit" name="RevenueGetStdDownload" value="Revenue *">
		<TR align="center">
			<TD valign="top">
			<form name="getDownloadExpenditureData" method="post"
				onSubmit="return validateFields()"
				<input type="hidden" name="multiDeptSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiProgIdSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiMofSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiAppnTypeSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiFundSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiFySelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiAppnAcctSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiCsSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiActSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiObjSrcSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="multiObjSrcMjrSelected" value='no'>
				<input type="hidden" name="standardDownload" value="yes">
				<input type="hidden" name="nextPage" value="/datamart/famis/asStandardDownloads.jsp">
				<input type="hidden" name="gotDataFrom" value="Expenditure">
				<input type="hidden" name="fromMonth" value="-SEL-">
				<input type="hidden" name="fromYear" value="-SEL-">
				<input type="hidden" name="toMonth" value="-SEL-">
				<input type="hidden" name="toYear" value="-SEL-">
				<input type="hidden" name="vendorNo" value="">
				<input type="submit" name="ExpenditureGetStdDownload" value="Expenditure *">
		<TR align="center">
			<TD valign="top"><BR>
			</B> </TD>

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