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[SOLVED] Returning which match was found


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from this code:

$var1 = "@";
$var2 = "*";
$var3 = "/*";

$string = "Hello  world  this /* should be  ok";

$found = preg_match("/(?:\\$var1|\\$var2|\\$var3)/", $string);
if($found) {
	echo $found;


it returns true, because it find /*.


But is there a way to tell which one it found?

like, how would i know if it found $var1 or $var2 or $var3?

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$string = "Hello  world  this /* should be  ok";
$matches = array('@', '*', '/*');
foreach ($matches as &$match) {
	$match = preg_quote($match, '/');
$pattern = join('|', $matches);
if (preg_match("/($pattern)/", $string, $findings)) {
	echo $found, '<br>';

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you put your variables in an array?


function pq($text) { return preg_quote($text,'/');}

$vars = array('*','@','/*');
$string = "Hello  world  this /* should be  ok";


echo "Found \"$match[1]\"!\n";



If not, maybe something like this:


$var1 = "@";
$var2 = "*";
$var3 = "/*";

$string = "Hello  world  this /* should be  ok";

if (is_int(strpos($string,$var1))) {
echo "Found \$var1 in \$string.";
} elseif (is_int(strpos($string,$var2))) {
echo "Found \$var2 in \$string.";
} elseif (is_int(strpos($string,$var3))) {
echo "Found \$var3 in \$string.";
} else {
echo "Nothing matched.";

Of course, "*" will match the string since it matches the asterisk in "/*".

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effigy, your example outputs:


Array ( [0] => /* [1] => /* )

which comes from "print_r($findings);".

$found doesn't seem to show anything =/


on php 5.2.1



As for obsidian and wildbug, those worked fine. thanks.

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Gotcha. $found must have been carried over from copying your code. There is no need for it once preg_match is placed inside an if construct. print_r was a generalization for example; I assumed you'd know how to dig into the array :)

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