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Date Subtraction


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Hi there forum


I am a real newbie to php - been sort of forced into it by the boss.


I have created 2 pages to query a database. There are 2 bits of date manipulation with which I am having a problem:


Last Week and Last Month - when the user clicks Last week, I need a string produced. If today is 05/05/2007, the string I need produced is

"29/04/2007...04/05/2007" which is the last 7 days.


If the user clicks Last Month, I need just the number produced, so if this month is May, I need 4 produced.

I have tried all sorts of stuff with mktime, but it just produces rubbish, here is an example of my code


$reportType = $_POST["reportType"];


if ($reportType == 'Last Weeks Report')


{ $searchString = date('d/m/Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d") -8, date("Y")))."...".date('d/m/Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d") -1, date("Y")));



Can anyone please show me what I have done wrong - any help much appreciated



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if you want straight 30 days or 7 days then just use the strtotime() function...


date("Y-m-d", strtotime("last week"));


will get you 7 days ago from today.....


date("Y-m-d", strtotime("last month"));


will get you this day last month...

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If I echo $searchstring from your code, I get this (today is 6 May, 2007)




so the -8 should be -7, giving




ie 7 days commencing 29 Apr (only 30 days in April !)


But if you hope to search a database with a date range like that then you are out of luck. You need to format as yyyy-mm-dd if the dates are held in a DATE field.  dd/mm/yyyy format cannot be used in date comparisons or searches.



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Hi There - many thanks for the tip -


For the week concat I used date("d/m/Y", strtotime("last week"))."...".date("d/m/Y");


For the month number I used date("m", strtotime("last month"));


Excellent results - I did not understand how powerful strtotime was


As to the DB search, the DB engine I am using does accept this sort of search on a date field


Many thanks guys



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