peat Posted May 7, 2007 Share Posted May 7, 2007 Hi, I am a php complete newbie. I basically know nothing. I have a gallery website that has a search facility and im trying to work out how to amend the php so the results are shown by newest photo first. This is the code. I dont even know where to start looking. I looked at the usort section but I didnt see anything that made sense to me to amend. Can anyone help? Cheers <?php //**************************************************************************************** // FotoPlayer Search Engine v0.1 // Author : Dhinakaran Annamalai // Protected under Creative Commons License. Attribution 2.0 United Kingdom // Please refer readme.txt file for the usage details. //**************************************************************************************** error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); global $albumpath,$itemcounts,$searchfor,$searchfound,$searchtags,$searchtitle,$searchdesc,$searchmeta,$searchmode; $searchfor =" ";$searchtags ="Y";$searchtitle="N";$searchdesc="N";$searchmeta="N";$searchmode=""; if (isset($_REQUEST["searchtags"])) { $searchtags= $_REQUEST['searchtags']; } if (isset($_REQUEST["searchtitle"])) { $searchtitle= $_REQUEST['searchtitle']; } if (isset($_REQUEST["searchdesc"])) { $searchdesc= $_REQUEST['searchdesc']; } if (isset($_REQUEST["searchmeta"])) { $searchmeta= $_REQUEST['searchmeta']; } if (isset($_REQUEST["searchmode"])) { $searchmode= $_REQUEST['searchmode']; } if (isset($_REQUEST["searchfor"])) { $searchfor = utf8_decode($_REQUEST['searchfor']); $searchfor = strip_tags($searchfor); $searchfor = stripslashes($searchfor); $searchfor = str_replace(" +"," ",$searchfor); $searchfor = str_replace("'","",stripslashes($searchfor)); $searchfor = str_replace('"','',stripslashes($searchfor)); $searchfor = trim($searchfor); } $albumpath = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST["items"])) { $itemcounts = $_REQUEST['items']; } else { $itemcounts = 999999; } //**************************************************************************************************************** function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) { global $depth, $albumpath, $itemarray,$bufferstring; global $currentTag, $currentAttribs,$searchfor,$searchfound,$searchtags,$searchtitle,$searchdesc,$searchmeta,$searchmode ; $currentTag = $name; $currentAttribs = $attribs; for ($i = 0; $i < $depth[$parser]; $i++) { echo " "; } if ($name == "IMAGE") { if (isset($itemarray)) { reset($itemarray); unset($itemarray); } global $itemarray; $itemarray = array(); $bufferstring= ""; if ($albumpath != "") { $THIS_URL = $THIS_URL.$albumpath; } array_push($itemarray,"\n"); if( $searchtags =="Y" && generic_search($attrs['TAGS'], $searchfor, $searchmode) ){ $searchfound ="Y"; } else {$searchfound ="N"; }; if( $searchtitle =="Y" && generic_search($attrs['TITLE'], $searchfor, $searchmode) ){ $searchfound ="Y"; } if ($searchfound == "Y") { $imagestring = "<image title=\"". $attrs['TITLE']. "\" img=\"". $albumpath.$attrs['IMG']."\" thmb=\"". $albumpath. $attrs['THMB']."\" downloadimg=\"". $albumpath.$attrs['DOWNLOADIMG']."\" size=\"". $attrs['SIZE']."\" type=\"". $attrs['TYPE']."\" dt=\"". $attrs['DT']."\" thumbw=\"". $attrs['THUMBW']."\" thumbh=\"". $attrs['THUMBH']."\" tags=\"". utf8_encode($attrs['TAGS'])."\"" ; if ($attrs['WIDTH'] != "" && $attrs['HEIGHT'] != "") $imagestring.= " width=\"". $attrs['WIDTH']."\" height=\"". $attrs['HEIGHT']."\">"; else if ($attrs['PRICEVARIANCE'] != "") $imagestring.= " pricevariance=\"". $attrs['PRICEVARIANCE']."\">"; else $imagestring.= ">"; array_push($itemarray,$imagestring); array_push($itemarray,"<description>"); } else { $bufferstring = "<image title=\"". $attrs['TITLE']. "\" img=\"". $albumpath.$attrs['IMG']."\" thmb=\"". $albumpath. $attrs['THMB']."\" downloadimg=\"". $albumpath.$attrs['DOWNLOADIMG']."\" size=\"". $attrs['SIZE']."\" type=\"". $attrs['TYPE']."\" dt=\"". $attrs['DT']."\" thumbw=\"". $attrs['THUMBW']."\" thumbh=\"". $attrs['THUMBH']."\" tags=\"". utf8_encode($attrs['TAGS'])."\"" ; if ($attrs['WIDTH'] != "" && $attrs['HEIGHT'] != "") $bufferstring .= " width=\"". $attrs['WIDTH']."\" height=\"". $attrs['HEIGHT']."\"><description>"; else if ($attrs['PRICEVARIANCE'] != "") $bufferstring.= " pricevariance=\"". $attrs['PRICEVARIANCE']."\"><description>"; $bufferstring.= "><description>"; } }; if ($name == "DESCRIPTION") { if (isset($itemarray) && $searchfound=="Y") { array_push($itemarray,"<![CDATA["); } if (isset($itemarray) && $searchfound=="N") { $bufferstring .="<![CDATA["; } } if ($name == "EXIF") { if (isset($itemarray) && $searchfound=="Y") { array_push($itemarray,"<exif date=\"". $attrs['DATE']. "\" resolution=\"". $attrs['RESOLUTION']."\" flash=\"". $attrs['FLASH']."\" focallength=\"". $attrs['FOCALLENGTH']."\" exposuretime=\"". $attrs['EXPOSURETIME']."\" aperture=\"". $attrs['APERTURE']."\" focaldistance=\"". $attrs['FOCALDISTANCE']."\" meteringmode=\"". $attrs['METERINGMODE']."\" cameramake=\"". $attrs['CAMERAMAKE']."\" cameramodel=\"". $attrs['CAMERAMODEL']."\" sensortype=\"". $attrs['SENSORTYPE']."\" iso=\"". $attrs['ISO']."\" >" ); } else { if ($searchmeta =="Y") { $attr_merged = array_to_string($attrs); if (isset($itemarray) && $searchfound=="N" && generic_search($attr_merged, $searchfor, $searchmode) ) { array_push($itemarray,$bufferstring); array_push($itemarray,"<exif date=\"". $attrs['DATE']. "\" resolution=\"". $attrs['RESOLUTION']."\" flash=\"". $attrs['FLASH']."\" focallength=\"". $attrs['FOCALLENGTH']."\" exposuretime=\"". $attrs['EXPOSURETIME']."\" aperture=\"". $attrs['APERTURE']."\" focaldistance=\"". $attrs['FOCALDISTANCE']."\" meteringmode=\"". $attrs['METERINGMODE']."\" cameramake=\"". $attrs['CAMERAMAKE']."\" cameramodel=\"". $attrs['CAMERAMODEL']."\" sensortype=\"". $attrs['SENSORTYPE']."\" iso=\"". $attrs['ISO']."\" >" ); $searchfound="Y" ; } } } if (isset($itemarray) && $searchfound=="N") { $bufferstring .= "<exif date=\"". $attrs['DATE']. "\" resolution=\"". $attrs['RESOLUTION']."\" flash=\"". $attrs['FLASH']."\" focallength=\"". $attrs['FOCALLENGTH']."\" exposuretime=\"". $attrs['EXPOSURETIME']."\" aperture=\"". $attrs['APERTURE']."\" focaldistance=\"". $attrs['FOCALDISTANCE']."\" meteringmode=\"". $attrs['METERINGMODE']."\" cameramake=\"". $attrs['CAMERAMAKE']."\" cameramodel=\"". $attrs['CAMERAMODEL']."\" sensortype=\"". $attrs['SENSORTYPE']."\" iso=\"". $attrs['ISO']."\" >"; } } if ($name == "IPTC") { if (isset($itemarray) && $searchfound=="Y") { array_push($itemarray,"<iptc keywords=\"". utf8_encode($attrs['KEYWORDS']). "\" category=\"". utf8_encode($attrs['CATEGORY'])."\" author=\"". utf8_encode($attrs['AUTHOR'])."\" copyright=\"". utf8_encode($attrs['COPYRIGHT'])."\" >" ); } else { if ($searchmeta =="Y") { $attr_merged = array_to_string($attrs); if (isset($itemarray) && $searchfound=="N" && generic_search($attr_merged, $searchfor, $searchmode) ) { array_push($itemarray,$bufferstring); array_push($itemarray,"<iptc keywords=\"". utf8_encode($attrs['KEYWORDS']). "\" category=\"". utf8_encode($attrs['CATEGORY'])."\" author=\"". utf8_encode($attrs['AUTHOR'])."\" copyright=\"". utf8_encode($attrs['COPYRIGHT'])."\" >" ); $searchfound="Y" ; } } } } $depth[$parser]++; } //**************************************************************************************************************** function endElement($parser, $name) { global $depth, $currentTag, $currentAttribs, $itemarray, $mainsort,$searchfound,$bufferstring ; $depth[$parser]--; $currentTag = ""; $currentAttribs = ""; if ($name == "IMAGE" ) { if (isset($itemarray) && $searchfound=="Y") { array_push($itemarray,"</image>"); array_push($mainsort,$itemarray); } }; if ($name == "DESCRIPTION") { if (isset($itemarray) && $searchfound=="Y") { array_push($itemarray,"]]></description>"); } if (isset($itemarray) && $searchfound=="N") { $bufferstring .= "]]></description>"; } }; if ($name == "EXIF" ) { if (isset($itemarray) && $searchfound=="Y") { array_push($itemarray,"</exif>"); } if (isset($itemarray) && $searchfound=="N") { $bufferstring .= "</exif>"; } }; if ($name == "IPTC" ) { if (isset($itemarray) && $searchfound=="Y") { array_push($itemarray,"</iptc>"); } }; } //**************************************************************************************************************** function characterData($parser, $data) { global $currentTag, $itemarray,$searchfound,$bufferstring,$searchfor,$searchdesc,$searchmode ; switch ($currentTag) { case "DESCRIPTION": if ($searchfound =="Y") { array_push($itemarray,utf8_encode($data)); } if ( $searchfound =="N" && $searchdesc =="Y" && generic_search($data, $searchfor, $searchmode) ){ array_push($itemarray,$bufferstring); // array_push($itemarray,"<![CDATA["); array_push($itemarray,utf8_encode($data)); $searchfound="Y" ; } if ($searchfound =="N") { $bufferstring .= utf8_encode($data); } break; default: break; } } //**************************************************************************************************************** function processalbum($file,$folpath) { global $depth, $mainsort,$itemcounts,$albumpath,$searchfound ; $albumpath = $folpath ; $depth = array(); $fp = "";$data ="";$mainsort= array(); $xml_parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement"); xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData"); if (!($fp = fopen($file, "r"))) { die("could not open XML input"); } while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) { if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))) { die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser))); } } usort($mainsort, 'compare'); $tempcount=count($mainsort); if ($itemcounts < $tempcount) { $tempcount=$itemcounts; }; for ( $row = 0; $row < $tempcount; $row++ ) { for ( $column = 1; $column < count($mainsort[$row]); $column++ ) { echo utf8_decode($mainsort[$row][$column]); }; }; fclose($fp); xml_parser_free($xml_parser); } //processalbum function ends here //**************************************************************************************************************** function compare($x, $y) { if ( $x[0] == $y[0] ) return 0; else if ( $x[0] < $y[0] ) return 1; else return -1; } //**************************************************************************************************************** function generic_search($searchable, $search_term, $search_type) { $new_search_term = split(" ", $search_term); $num_search_terms = count($new_search_term); $include_search_words = array(); $exclude_search_words = array(); $include_search_count = 0; $exclude_search_count = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < $num_search_terms; $j++) { if (strpos($new_search_term[$j], '-') ===0 ) { $exclude_search_words[$exclude_search_count] = trim(substr($new_search_term[$j],1)); $exclude_search_count++; } else { $include_search_words[$include_search_count] = trim($new_search_term[$j]); $include_search_count++; } } $search_term = trim(array_to_string($include_search_words)); $searchable = utf8_decode($searchable); if (isset($_REQUEST["debug"])) { echo "<searchfor>".$search_term."</searchfor><searchin>".$searchable."</searchin>\r\n"; }; if ($search_type == "") { if (eregi($search_term, $searchable)) { foreach ($exclude_search_words as $term) { if (eregi($term, $searchable)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } elseif ($search_type == "AND") { foreach ($include_search_words as $term) { if (!eregi($term, $searchable)) { return FALSE; } } foreach ($exclude_search_words as $term) { if (eregi($term, $searchable)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } elseif ($search_type == "OR") { $return_flag = 0; foreach ($include_search_words as $term) { if (eregi($term, $searchable)) { $return_flag = 1;break; } } if ($return_flag == 0) return FALSE; else { foreach ($exclude_search_words as $term) { if (eregi($term, $searchable)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } } } //**************************************************************************************************************** function array_to_string($array) { $retval = ''; $null_value = "^^^"; foreach ($array as $index => $value) { if (!$value) $value = $null_value; $retval .= trim($value) . ' '; } return $retval; } //**************************************************************************************************************** $URL_IMG = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $URL_IMG.= dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $tm=time(); $tm=date("D, d M Y H:i:s",$tm); $tm=$tm. " GMT"; // you can add your format if (isset($_REQUEST["debug"])) header("Content-Type: text/text; charset=utf-8"); else header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8"); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; echo "<gallery>"; global $mainsort; $mainsort = array(); if ($albumpath != "" && $albumpath != "all/") { $xmlpath = $albumpath."photos.xml"; if (file_exists($xmlpath)) { processalbum($xmlpath,$albumpath); } } if ($albumpath == "" ) { $xmlpath = "photos.xml"; if (file_exists($xmlpath)) { processalbum($xmlpath,$albumpath); } map_dirs("."); } function map_dirs($path) { if(is_dir($path)) { if($contents = opendir($path)) { while(($node = readdir($contents)) !== false) { if( (!strpos($node,".")) && $node!="res" && $node !="images" && $node != "slides" && $node !="thumbs" && $node !="rss_styles" && $node!= "." && $node!= ".." ) { if ($path==".") { $folpath = $node."/"; if (file_exists($folpath."photos.xml")) { processalbum($folpath."photos.xml",$folpath); } } else { $folpath = $path."/".$node."/"; $folpath = ltrim($folpath,'./'); if (file_exists($folpath."photos.xml")) { processalbum($folpath."photos.xml",$folpath); } } map_dirs("$path/$node"); } } } } } echo("</gallery>"); ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gerkintrigg Posted May 7, 2007 Share Posted May 7, 2007 to do this with SQL, use: "SELECT * FROM table WHERE x=y ORDER BY date_field_name_goes_here DESC" I've not read through all that code, so i dunno how you're grabbing the photos but databases are the best thing to use for something like that (that's what i think anyway). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peat Posted May 7, 2007 Author Share Posted May 7, 2007 As far as I am aware there are no databases or tables so sql wouldnt work would it? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peat Posted May 7, 2007 Author Share Posted May 7, 2007 Edit : Ive worked out that at the moment its sorting in ascending alphabetical order, if that helps at all Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peat Posted May 9, 2007 Author Share Posted May 9, 2007 Anyone got any ideas at all? cheers Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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