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A newbie on Php! Help needed plz! :)


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Hi, Im new with php...  :D I needed urgent help with something, I would like to build a paid membership website, where the members pay to buy products...I use Dreamweaver for the site, I heard its possible to build a site like this using php, but I dont know anything about php really ??? ...is there any codes to copy and paste onto dreamweaver, or do I have to buy a product that deals with paid memberships on sites?  :'(  :-\


Thank you very much for the help... ;D



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i think it all depends on how much TIME u have...if you have little time do as perad says... if you have time there are many tutorials you can follow...


Hi, I have lots of time on my hands, do you know any tutorial sites that can help me out like u mentioned!? I will be very grateful if u could give me links...  ;D (im assuming they are free tutorials...right?)






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i wud use hotscripts...have look on here "http://www.hotscripts.com/PHP/Scripts_and_Programs/User_Management/index.html"

you dont have to find one saying paid membership, just creat a login script first...take it step by step

also if you know a little bit about php you can use this site http://www.zigmoyd.net


hope this helps


Thank you very much!!! Will check it out right away! You've been alot of help! ;)

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