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how to access root folder


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i dont know if i am on the right board but i honestly dont know anything about linux yet.

i am currently managing a web site and it is setup in a linux server and site can be access via

sftp ssh.


my client gave me a root access and he gave me the password for that.

my question is, how can i access the root having only the password.

what application or software will i use to do this?

currently i can only access the site via ftp client and i have a username/password for that.


hope you can help me with this.


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sorry about the double post, because i just dont know if i am on the right board, that's

why i also posted in apache section.

putty? how does this work? is this something like ftp? aside from this, are there any other software

to use?



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Putty is an ssh client for windows. I don't use windows but when I do, this is the client I use, not sure if there is any other.


Do you know what ssh is? If your not sure what ssh is then your probably going to be pretty lost even if you get connected. Putty will connect you to your server and drop you a prompt. From there you will need to use Bash (the linux shell) to move around and issue commands / do whatever you like.

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sorry about the double post, because i just dont know if i am on the right board, that's

why i also posted in apache section.


Yes, but you must pick the board you think is best. Imagine what this place would be like if 40,000+ members started double posting because they weren't sure. Linux was a good choice (Misc. would have been a good one as well).


putty? how does this work? is this something like ftp?


Have you ever used telnet? It's basically a secure telnet.

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thanks for all the inputs. i havent tried ssh yet, but my friend told me

its something like an application for you to acess linux via windows.

i can try to study and learn this but do you have some tutorials or sites

where i can find tutorials on ssh and the command list for web management?


thanks so much!

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ssh is just a protocol used by Linux to connect to remote machines. I use it all the time at home to connect and execute commands on my machines.


What you need to look at is Bash. Once you've ssh'd to the machine you will be given a prompt. Once your at the prompt your in whats called the shell. Most distro's use Bash as there default shell.


Im not sure you'll find too many tutorials around, most are about Bash scripting.


You'll want to look at the man pages for at least the following basic commands.




These are just the basic commands need for listing files, moving around directories, creating directories and renaming / deleting / copying files. You may very well also need to look into a command line text editor. Id'e suggest vim.


Just search 'man ls' in google, or login to your account via Putty and type 'man ls <enter>' at the prompt.


Hope this helps.

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You cannot obtain a regular account at all? Bad boss call in my opinion. If you make one mistake under root, you could compromise the entire OS. You should be OK as long as you're extra careful with rm and you don't run any scripts. For safety, run unalias rm, use the -i switch, and avoid the -f and -R (or -r) switches. Update: Also use set noclobber.


do you know any good tutorial sites for unix as well as for ssh?


Yes--I put a link in my earlier post.


What exactly do you plan on doing?

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i dont have a choice here


Yes you do. Login using root, then create another account.


$ useradd -m -s /bin/bash -p <password> <username>


or for more details type...


man useradd


From then on use that account to login with, and use the sudo command to run any commands that need to be run as root.


Really though... it sounds like youv'e been thrown in at the deep end. Linux is a complete OS, your not going to learn how to use it overnight.


do you know any good tutorial sites for unix as well as for ssh?


Effigy has posted a basic tutorial for the shell. Dont worry about ssh, that is just a connection method, once your in you need not worry about it.

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thanks for all the help guys.

i really really appreciate it.



effigy you're right, bad boss, she just dump the task to me since our unix administrator resigned without notice

and didnt report anymore. :(

anyway, hope everything goes well.


thanks again!

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