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php, mysql, and social networking/commercial site


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Hi Guys, anyone who can help,

I got some books because I really want to learn how to program a social networking/commercial site for a business project I’m working on. As far as I’ve read, the books, including a php advanced book, don’t specifically use such examples, though I’m sure it’s all about being creative after one grasps the programming language. But I was wondering if anyone can point me to any resources that would help speed the process of learning and programming my own site to my specific needs, using xhtml, php and mysql. I searched the web and there are a couple of social networking site programs (scripts) that one could upload to one’s site, but they’re expensive and one is allowed to use them only on one website and, although they say the scripts are open source, their license agreements only let you tailor them to one specific site’s needs and not other sites. I thought of buying the program and learning the coding from their source codes but that would mean I would be using their code when I develop a site and that would be illegal. Besides, I don’t want to have to buy one license for each site I develop. Although I’m willing to learn and am already having a good time with the php books I've just bought, which by the way I had bought after reading and trying to build my site with the help of Elizabeth Castro’s HTML, XHTML, and CSS book, I wouldn’t want to spend thousands of hours trying to come up with my unique site if there’s a faster way to go. I hope I’ve not over written and I hope the question is useful for others. I also look forward to completing my new books (and my site, with help from this forum). I look forward to hearing from someone.



Newbie Web Developer


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it's a tall order if you've not got the PHP basics down. I've been at php for a fair while now and reckon I am pretty competent, yet I must say that a social networky type site i did recently was more than a challenge for me.


Take a look at this one: http://www.phpizabi.net


even if you don't use it, you can probably learn alot from it.


good luck!

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