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Can someone tell me how to get my registration page to start out fresh.

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Can someone tell me how to get my registration page to start out fresh.  For example, let say a user tries to register but the password fields are not identical. That person would recieve a message saying passwords are not identical.  So that person tries again and types in identical passwords but the username already exists. Even though the passwords match, that person will still recieve two messages one from before,"the password is not identical" and "the username is already in use".???  Its like my registration page isn't refreshed. It shows old error messages.



here is my code

Header("Cache-control: private, no-cache");
Header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jun 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
Header("Pragma: no-cache");

//checks for identical passwords
        $_SESSION['identical'] = "Passwords are not identical.";
	header("Location: registration.php");
}  else {
$mysqli = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "test");
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
// checks if the username is in use
if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$_POST['username'] = addslashes($_POST['username']);

$usercheck = $_POST['username'];
$check = mysqli_query($mysqli,"SELECT username FROM auth_users WHERE username = '$usercheck'"); 
$check2 = mysqli_num_rows($check);

//if the name exists it gives an error
if ($check2 != 0) {
$_SESSION['userExists'] = "<font color='red'>" .$_POST['username']. " is already in use. Please choose another username.</font>";	
    header ("Location: registration.php");

}  else  {

$sql = "INSERT INTO auth_users (username, password, ConfirmPassword, f_name, L_name, address, city, state, zip, phoneNumber, AltphoneNumber, email, company) VALUES ('".$_POST['username']."',PASSWORD('".$_POST["password"]."'),PASSWORD('".$_POST["confirmpassword"]."'),'".$_POST['firstname']."','".$_POST['lastname']."','".$_POST['address']."','".$_POST['city']."','".$_POST['state']."','".$_POST['zip']."','".$_POST['phone']."','".$_POST['alternate']."','".$_POST['email']."','".$_POST['company']."')";
$res = mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql);

if ($res === TRUE) {
	header("Location: registered.html");
	} else {
printf("Could not insert record: %s\n", mysqli_error($mysqli));


	if (!empty($_POST['submit'])) {
$regexemail = 
	$errorhandler .= "";
	if ($_POST['yourname'] == "") {
	$errorhandler .= "You left the name field blank<br />";
	if ($_POST['emailaddress'] == "") {
	$errorhandler .= "You left the email address blank<br />";
	if ($_POST['emailaddress'] != $_POST['verifyemail']) {
	$errorhandler .= "The email addresses do not match.<br />";
	if (!ereg("$regexemail", $_POST['emailaddress'])) { 
	$errorhandler .= "The email address is improperly formatted<br />";
	if(!(getmxrr(substr(strstr($_POST['emailaddress'], '@'), 1), $temp)) || checkdnsrr(gethostbyname(substr(strstr($_POST['emailaddress'], '@'), 1)), "ANY")) {
	$errorhandler .= "The Domain name for the email address does not exist<br />";
	if ($_POST['regarding'] == "") {
	$errorhandler .= "The Category field was left blank<br />";
	if ($_POST['specialinformation'] == "") {
	$errorhandler .= "The Special Information field was left blank<br />";
	if ($_POST['description'] == "") {
	$errorhandler .= "The Description field was left blank<br />";
	if ($errorhandler != "") {
	echo "<span style=\"color:red;\">";
	echo "$errorhandler";
	echo "</span>";
	}else {
	$visible = "false";
	$message = "
	Name: {$_POST[yourname]}
	Email Address: {$_POST[emailaddress]}
	Contact Phone: {$_POST[contactphone]}
	Category: {$_POST[regarding]}
	Special Information: {$_POST[specialinformation]};
	Description: {$_POST[description]}
mail("[email protected]", "Freelance Businessman Contact Form", $message);
echo "Thank you for Contacting me.  I will respond within 1-24 hours at the latest.";
	if (empty($visible)) {
	<form name="contact" id="contact" action="contactme.php" method="post">
	<dt><label for="yourname">*First Name:</label></dt>
	<dd><input name="yourname" id="yourname" type="text" maxlength="80" 
	size="30" value="<?php echo $_POST['yourname']; ?>" /></dd>
	<dt><label for="emailaddress">*Email Address:</label></dt>
	<dd><input name="emailaddress" id="emailaddress" type="text" maxlength="80" 
	size="30" value="<?php echo $_POST['emailaddress']; ?>" />
	<dt><label for="verifyemail">*Verify Email:</label></dt>
	<dd><input name="verifyemail" id="verifyemail" type="text" maxlength="80"
	size="30" value="<?php echo $_POST['verifyemail']; ?>" /></dd>
	<dt><label for="contactphone">Phone:</label></dt>
	<dd><input name="contactphone" id="contactphone" type="text" maxlength="80" 
	value="<?php echo $_POST['contactphone']; ?>" />
	<dt><label for="regarding">*What is this related Too!</label></dt>
	<dd><input name="regarding" id="regarding" type="text" maxlength="80" 
	size="30" value="<?php echo $_POST['regarding']; ?>"/></dd>
	<dt><label for="specialinformation">*Purpose for contact</label></dt>
	<dd><input name="specialinformation" id="specialinformation" type="text" 
	maxlength="120" size="30" value="<?php echo $_POST['specialinformation']; ?>"
	<dt><label for="description">*Message</label></dt>
	<dd><textarea name="description" id="description" cols="30" rows="20"></textarea>
	<dt> </dt>
	<input name="submit" id="submit" type="submit" value="Send Message!" />
	<input name="reset" id="reset" type="reset" value="Clear Data!" />

I don't really understand what you are asking, but if you are wanting to be able to record many different errors I use an "error handler".  you could also use it as an array or anything else.

There are hundreds of way's, this is just one quick example off of something quick, just so you can see one possibility.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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