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[POO] Object constructor that uses mysql_fetch_object (opened)


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Good morning =)


I'll go straight to the point.


I'm developing a Mysql + Php website using Classes  to manipulate each of the tables on my Db.


So i thought that it would be cool if my constructor used mysql_fetch_object to create itself.


Each object has the same attributes and in the same order that his db table.


Here's the code of my class.


class Texto extends Primitiva {

var $cuerpo;

* @ Contructor
* @ Entrada: Identificador
* @ Coge su tupla de la base de datos.
function __construct($pid) {

	$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `miljardines` WHERE id = '$pid' ");

	// Si la tupla no existe, lanzamos nuestro metodo error.
	if(mysql_num_rows($result) < 1)
		parent::arrojar("No se ha podido crear objeto Texto. Tupla no existente.");

	// Si existe, creamos un objeto temporal
	$this = mysql_fetch_object($result);




But the interpreter crashes: "Cannot redefine $this".


My question is...If i assigned mysql_fetch_object to a temporal object, how can i assign each of it's value to my own object?


Thanks in advance.



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Solved it this way =)


* @ Clase Texto
* @ Hereda esqueleto de primitiva

class Texto extends Primitiva {

// Variables
var $cuerpo;

* @ Contructor
* @ Entrada: Identificador
* @ Coge su tupla de la base de datos.

function __construct($pid) {

	$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `texto` WHERE id = '$pid' ");

	// Si la tupla no existe, lanzamos nuestro metodo error.
	if(mysql_num_rows($result)  < 1)
		parent::arrojar("No se ha podido crear objeto Texto. Tupla no existente.");

	// Si existe, creamos un objeto temporal
	$temp = mysql_fetch_object($result);

	// Nos auto asignamos
	foreach($temp as $key => $value)
    			$this->$key = $value;




Thx anyway :D

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I've just adapted one of my classes. My $data was originally an array and I used mysql_fetch_array, but this works using fetch_object.


class document2 
        public $category;
        public $doc_id;
        private $data;
        function  __construct ($cat, $docid)
            $this->category = $cat;
            $this->doc_id = $docid;
            $sql = "SELECT title, doc_type, date_published, author, loc_id
                    FROM document
                    WHERE category = '$cat' AND doc_id = '$docid' ";
            $res = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error()."<p>$sql</p>");
            if (($row = mysql_fetch_object($res))!=false) 
                $this->data = $row;
            else {
                $this->data = (object)array();
                $this->data->title = 'new document';
        public function __get ($item)
            return $this->data->$item ;
        public function __set ($item, $val)
            $this->data->$item = $val;

$obj   = new document2 ('IS', 3);

echo $obj->title;       // --> Powerpoint training cd
echo $obj->doc_type;       // --> 5

$obj->doc_type = 3;
echo $obj->doc_type;       // --> 3
$obj   = new document2 ('IS', 53);

echo $obj->title;       // --> new document
echo $obj->doc_type;       // --> 

$obj->doc_type = 3;
echo $obj->doc_type;       // --> 3

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I've never been a fan of classes/objects myself. I don't really know why, just always found them complicated. I should really find a couple of hours to read up and understand them but not had chance yet! preg_replace too ~ can't understand all the \/[.] stuff that goes on in it! :P

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