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A DIV area critical situation


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I have a Normal Div area:


<div style="width:300px;height:300px;overflow:auto;border-width:0px;border-color:000000;border-style:solid;">

Text is here

Text is here

Text is here



I want when the page is loaded, the div area shows the bottom automatically

i.e. The last Line

I dont want users to take it down manually with the mouse everytime the page is loaded


Do you know how this can be done?

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I dont want users to take it down manually with the mouse everytime the page is loaded


I have no clue what you mean by this. Are you wanting a div to stay "stuck" to the bottom of the page as they scroll? I really don't understand what you're after.

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No, the div area contains text inside it


So, i dont want the user to scroll down this little divx area


I want whenver the page is uploaded, the divx is already at the buttom and showing the last text in it

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HI there,

so if i understand it, you want to be able to have the bottom of scrollable div show when the div is rendered, vs the normal top line showing. if that is it, i think your best bet would to look into using Javascript to make the scroll move for you. I haven't ever tried it myself, but i'm thinking something along the lines of finding the bottom z-offset, and moving the scroll to that.


if you're just showing text in there, why don't you just put that important text at the top? seems like the work involved wouldn't benefit the user too much. but theres no info into that so do your thing, and try javascript for it.


good luck



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