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I recently loaded up my new php script, and when I try to access the page it says:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /customers/meieriklubben.no/meieriklubben.no/httpd.www/autorisert/bilder/upload.php on line 172




The code around line 172 is:

// Kill the old, and move in teh new
								unlink($user_name . "/" . $imgupload['name']);
								if(move_uploaded_file ($imgupload['tmp_name'], $user_name . "/" . $imgupload['name']))
									chmod($user_name . "/" . $imgupload['name'], 0644);
									echo "Bildet ditt ble lastet opp!";
									echo "Klikk  . '<a href="' . $user_name . '/' . $imgupload['name'] . '" target="_blank">her</a>' .  for å se bildet ditt.";
							} else {                                    
								    echo "Bildet du ville laste opp eksisterer allerede!"; <br /> "Vennligst velg ~overskriv~ bildet eller skift navn.";
						} else {
							if(move_uploaded_file ($imgupload['tmp_name'], $user_name . "/" . $imgupload['name'])


I know i'ts in norwegian, but that's not where the problem is.

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This line looks suspicious:

echo "Klikk  . '<a href="' . $user_name . '/' . $imgupload['name'] . '" target="_blank">her</a>' .  for å se bildet ditt.";


Check the use of double and single quotes.



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Well, I'm back.

First script, many wrongs..


							} else {
							if(move_uploaded_file ($imgupload['tmp_name'], $user_name . "/" . $imgupload['name']))
								chmod($user_name . "/" . $imgupload['name'], 0644);
								echo "Bildet ditt ble lastet opp<br />"; echo "Klikk  . "<a href="" . $user_name . "/" . $imgupload['name'] . " target="_blank">her</a>" . "for å se bildet ditt.";
				} else {
					echo "Området ditt eksisterer ikke. Vennligst kontakt en admin.<br />";
			} else {
				echo "Bildet du prøver å laste opp er feilaktig, eller er av en filtype som ikke er tillatt.<br />";
		} else {
			echo "Du må velge en bildefil.<br />";


Parse error;

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /customers/meieriklubben.no/meieriklubben.no/httpd.www/autorisert/bilder/upload.php on line 181
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Next problem:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in /customers/meieriklubben.no/meieriklubben.no/httpd.www/autorisert/bilder/upload.php on line 185


The lines around line 185:




    } else {

    echo "Området ditt eksisterer ikke. Vennligst kontakt en admin.<br />";


  } else {

    echo "Bildet du prøver å laste opp er feilaktig, eller er av en filtype som ikke er tillatt.<br />";

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You can't have an "else" clause without a corresponding "if" or "elseif".


All of these errors are syntax errors which means you've written something incorrectly.  You really should learn the correct syntax before trying to write complex routines.



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You can't have an "else" clause without a corresponding "if" or "elseif".


All of these errors are syntax errors which means you've written something incorrectly.  You really should learn the correct syntax before trying to write complex routines.





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