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Newbie Help on file lists


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Like I said, I am a newbie when it comes to php. I'm still learning but I catch on quick.



What I am trying to do is to create a page which will automatically generate a list on files listed in a directory creating a link from the filename; if a file gets deleted then that line of text/link will get deleted, if a file gets uploaded to that directory then a new text/link will be created from the filename.



I want to be able to add and delete files from a specific directory on my web page, I then want to have a page that I can go to to get a list of all that is in that folder which stays up to date.


Research: I found a few topics on this forum which I beleave are in the same ballpark that I want to be in but I dont know what part of the scripts need to be updated with my websites information. Attached is a script that I found which I belive is sort of what I am looking for.


function Get_Directory_Listing( $dir )

if( is_dir( $dir ) )
	//This is added so that it can enter & list the sub-directories nicely
	if( (substr( $dir, -1) !== "/") || (substr( $dir, -1) !== "\\") )
		$dir .= "\\";

	//This is the main function, whereby it enters the folders and list their contents	
	if( $dir_open = opendir( $dir ) )
		while( ( $file = readdir( $dir_open ) ) !== false )
			if( $file == "." || $file == ".." )

			if( filetype( $dir . $file ) == "dir")
				echo "<BR><BR><b>Directory found : $dir$file </b>";
				//if( substr(
				Get_Directory_Listing( $dir . $file  );
			echo "<BR>Filename : $file,  filetype : " . filetype( $dir . $file );
	closedir( $dir_open );
	//This is incase the user forgets to put the semicolon after the drive letter
	$dir .= ":";
	echo "<BR>Drive to be listed : $dir";
	Get_Directory_Listing( $dir );




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I created a PHP file with the attached link and im doing something wrong because it still is not working.


$dir = "http://www.hekaent.com/folder";
$dh = opendir($dir) or die("Could not open dir");
while (!(($file = readdir($dh)) === false) )
	echo '<a href="'.$dir.'/'.$file.'">'.$file.'</a>';


do I need to put in the URL for the destination needed as shown or do I put in


$dir = "local_path/public_html/folder";
$dh = opendir($dir) or die("Could not open dir");
while (!(($file = readdir($dh)) === false) )
	echo '<a href="'.$dir.'/'.$file.'">'.$file.'</a>';

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