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[SOLVED] if statement always returning false

PC Nerd

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hi guys.


i have a login script ( yes the same one still).  and now ithe if, is always returning false




	$DB_Login_SQL = "SELECT User_Name, `Password`, User_ID, Account_Type FROM general_stats WHERE User_Name = '".$User_Name."'";
	$Login_Query = mysqli_query($DB_Server, $DB_Login_SQL);
	echo mysqli_error($DB_Server);

	if($Login_Query != 0 && !empty($Login_Query)) {

		$DB_Login = mysqli_fetch_array($Login_Query);

		echo $DB_Login["User_ID"];
		echo $DB_Login["User_Name"];
		echo $DB_Login["Password"];

		if($Game_Status['Game_Status'] != 'Online') {
			if($DB_Login['Account_Type'] != 'Moderator' && $DB_Login['Account_Type'] != 'Administration') {

				echo $DB_Login['Account_Type'];

				#echo "<script  language = 'JavaScript' type = 'text/javascript'>\n";
				#echo "window.location = 'redirection_locaiton';\n";
				#echo "<script>";

			if($password == $DB_Login['Password']) {


				echo "<script  language = 'JavaScript' type = 'text/javascript'>\n";
				echo "window.location = 'file.php?Login_ID=".$Login['Login_ID']."&User_ID=".$DB_Login['User_ID']."&User_Name=".$DB_Login['User_Name']."'\n";
				echo "</script>";


			else {
			$Error = True;
			$Error4 = True;

	else {
	$Error = True;
	$Error3 = True;


Its the if, returning error 4.  ive noticed that when the $DB_Login values are echoed near the begining, they dont return anything.  however its wierd, becauase the fetech_array statement, doesnt return any error either.


I know its some thing wiht the script, becauase when i use mysqli_error later on, it doesnt retuen anything,  but this is always returning false, therefore, the script never logs you in.

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$Password is set, like $User_Name etc. right at the begining of the script:


$Password = $_POST['Password'];





and i know its passing properly, becauase the two conditions befor this if...... test if its emtpy, and if the image validate is correct.




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Remember that PHP is case sensitive, from the line you posted above this is what your if statement should read.


if($Password == $DB_Login['Password']) { // note the capitol P for $Password

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Well a shot in the dark, could it be that your query is returning more than one user? I noticed there is no LIMIT 1 set. Maybe the wrong user is being pulled out whom has a different password?


Also maybe try to trim the post data before assigning it to value, maybe an extra whitespace is throwing it off?


Other than that I am out of ideas...

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ok,, here is the full code:


i know that the SQL is going to be unique, becauase i already have a script that ensures that a username is unique.... so therefore the pasword may be the same for some users, but its the different users. etc, so its not that, however i now know that the query isnt returning a password field, so its the query not working.


$Game_Status = "Testing";




$username = $_POST['User_Name'];

$password = $_POST['Password'];

$valid = $_POST['Valid'];


#echo "Username: {$username}<br>Password: {$password}<br>Valid: {$valid}<br><br>"; //echo out the values to see if they are being sent.


$Error = "";

$Error1 = "";

$Error2 = "";

$Error3 = "";

$Error4 = "";


if($username != "" && $password != "" && $valid != "") {


$img = "B_A-Login_".$_POST['IMG_Valid'];


$Image_Validate = $IMAGES["$img"];


if($_POST['Valid'] == $Image_Validate) {


$DB_Login_SQL = "SELECT User_Name, `Password`, User_ID, Account_Type FROM general_stats WHERE User_Name = '".$User_Name."' LIMIT 1";

$Login_Query = mysqli_query($DB_Server, $DB_Login_SQL);

echo mysqli_error($DB_Server);


if($Login_Query != 0 && !empty($Login_Query)) {


$DB_Login = mysqli_fetch_array($Login_Query);


echo $DB_Login["User_ID"];

echo $DB_Login["User_Name"];

echo $DB_Login["Password"];



if($Game_Status['Game_Status'] != 'Online') {

if($DB_Login['Account_Type'] != 'Moderator' && $DB_Login['Account_Type'] != 'Administration') {


echo $DB_Login['Account_Type'];


#echo "<script  language = 'JavaScript' type = 'text/javascript'>\n";

#echo "window.location = 'file2.php';\n";

#echo "<script>";




if($password == $DB_Login['Password']) {




echo "<script  language = 'JavaScript' type = 'text/javascript'>\n";

echo "window.location = 'file.php?Login_ID=".$Login['Login_ID']."&User_ID=".$DB_Login['User_ID']."&User_Name=".$DB_Login['User_Name']."'\n";

echo "</script>";






else {

$Error = True;

$Error4 = True;






else {

$Error = True;

$Error3 = True;



else {

$Error = True;

$Error2 = True;



else {

$Error = True;

$Error1 = True;




so i think that the query isnt actually returning anythihng......


how do i echo every set variable / array in a poage.  i know ive done it before.  i want to see it the query is returning a mysqli_object, or if its returning a Boolean fail value.


could someone help me to do this.


thanks for all your help

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you can use the following line to have your script echo all currently registered variables and then die:


exit('<pre>'.print_r(get_defined_vars(), TRUE));


be careful with this on a production server, as it sometimes gives away some very sensitive information.

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Your making this allot more difficult then it needs to be. Check your username / password combination is valid in the query. eg;


$DB_Login_SQL = "SELECT User_Name, `Password`, User_ID, Account_Type FROM general_stats WHERE User_Name = '$User_Name' && Password = '$password' LIMIT 1";


If this fails to retrieve a result you know the combination was incorrect.

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