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Using "while" when assigning variables?


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I'm relatively new to php so I may not have been using the correct terminology when searching for an answer to this question. Any help you can give or pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!


I have a form that's created using the variable "$days". The code for the table rows withing the form looks something like this:


$i = 1;
while ($i <= $days):
    echo "
      	<td><input name=\"date$i\" type=\"text\" size=\"10\" /></td>
      	<td><input name=\"location$i\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" /></td>
      	<td><input name=\"hours$i\" type=\"text\" size=\"5\" /></td>


The form gets sent to a php file that uses the mail() function. If it were to just send one row of data, it would look like this:

$date = stripslashes($date);
$location = stripslashes($location);
$hours = stripslashes($hours);
mail('address@wherever.com',"subject line","$date: $location ($hours hours)");


What I want it to do -- and I don't know if it's even possible -- is to have it get the value of $days (let's say 3 for now) and create variables $date1, $date2, $date3, $location1, $location2, $location3, etc. And, even if it's possible to do that, how would you then work the text area of the mail to let it know how many variables there were?


Thanks in advance!

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You can do what you want:

  // These will create: $days0, $days1, $days2, $days3, $days4, ...
  for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++){
    ${"days" . $i} = $i;


However, I think you will find your life easier if you store each row of data as an element in an array:

  $rows = Array();
  for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++){
    $rows[] = Array( "date" => $date_val,
                           "location" => $location_val,
                           "hours" => $hours_val


This will allow you to use a foreach while building your table:

foreach($rows as $row){
  echo "
      	<td><input name=\"{$row['date']}\" type=\"text\" size=\"10\" /></td>
       	<td><input name=\"{$row['location']}\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" /></td>
       	<td><input name=\"{$row['hours']\" type=\"text\" size=\"5\" /></td>

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