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[SOLVED] Dealing with SOAP results


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I've been having some fun. But I've gotten myself into a pickle. I was curious if anyone could help me out, please?


I'm playing with a SOAP call to a web service that's not very well documented. It's taken me a couple of days to work out syntax and formatting, with little help from the web service provider.


I can provide the code in its entirety. It is at the bottom of this post. The web service does not require a license key.


My question is, how do I break out the result from the SOAP call into it's constituent elements to do further processing. I believe the result is a multidimensional array, as I can output the result using a print_r function. However, I can't figure out how to call the various elements of the array. Below is the output.






Lookup by Address only:

Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [intReturnCode] => 0 [strReturnShortDesc] => Address Found(City=MEDICINE LODGERslt=S5HPNTSCZA,Stat=10,-98.5870256x37.2779374) [strConfirmationNum] => 116409 [strEventTimeStamp] => 05/18/2007 14:21:15 [FIPSRecordList] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [intState] => 20 [strJurisdictionType] => STA [strCompositeSER] => MEDBA [intJurisdictionFIPS] => 20 [strGeneralTaxRateIntrastate] => 5.3 [strGeneralTaxRateInterstate] => 5.3 [strFoodDrugTaxRateIntrastate] => 5.3 [strFoodDrugTaxRateInterstate] => 5.3 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [intState] => 20 [strJurisdictionType] => CTY [strCompositeSER] => MEDBA [intJurisdictionFIPS] => 7 [strGeneralTaxRateIntrastate] => 1 [strGeneralTaxRateInterstate] => 1 [strFoodDrugTaxRateIntrastate] => 1 [strFoodDrugTaxRateInterstate] => 1 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [intState] => 20 [strJurisdictionType] => CIT [strCompositeSER] => MEDBA [intJurisdictionFIPS] => 45500 [strGeneralTaxRateIntrastate] => 0.75 [strGeneralTaxRateInterstate] => 0.75 [strFoodDrugTaxRateIntrastate] => 0.75 [strFoodDrugTaxRateInterstate] => 0.75 ) ) ) )


$ansa is an array: 1



And the code that generated the result follows:




$wskdor = "http://services.taxwatch.biz/rates/kansas/sstp.wsdl";

$client = new SoapClient($wskdor,array('trace' => 1));


  $zip = 67104;

  $pluszip = 0000;

  $reqdate = "2007-05-17";

  $address = "313 S. Iliff";

  $addnum = "313";

  $addst = "Iliff";

  $adddir = Null;

  $addpredir = "S";

  $addstsuf = Null;

  $city = "Medicine Lodge";

  $state = "kansas";

  $stateabbr = "ks";



// Call the GetFIPSByAddress method

$ansa = array ($client->GetFIPSByAddress($addnum,$addpredir,$addst,$addstsuf,$adddir,$city,$zip,$pluszip,$reqdate));


print "<p>";

echo "<p>Lookup by Address only: <br>";



$yes = is_array($ansa);

print "<p>\$ansa is an array: " . $yes;



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Being extremely new to php, not sure what you meant, but, I did this.


echo $client->GetFIPSByAddress($addnum,$addpredir,$addst,$addstsuf,$adddir,$city,$zip,$pluszip,$reqdate);


and got the following, where line 34 was the above line.


Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in C:\Apache2\htdocs\kdor1.php on line 34

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Or, doing this.


$ansa = $client->GetFIPSByAddress($addnum,$addpredir,$addst,$addstsuf,$adddir,$city,$zip,$pluszip,$reqdate);

print_r( $ansa);


produced the following results.


stdClass Object ( [intReturnCode] => 0 [strReturnShortDesc] => Address Found(City=MEDICINE LODGERslt=S5HPNTSCZA,Stat=10,-98.5870256x37.2779374) [strConfirmationNum] => 116421 [strEventTimeStamp] => 05/18/2007 14:48:11 [FIPSRecordList] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [intState] => 20 [strJurisdictionType] => STA [strCompositeSER] => MEDBA [intJurisdictionFIPS] => 20 [strGeneralTaxRateIntrastate] => 5.3 [strGeneralTaxRateInterstate] => 5.3 [strFoodDrugTaxRateIntrastate] => 5.3 [strFoodDrugTaxRateInterstate] => 5.3 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [intState] => 20 [strJurisdictionType] => CTY [strCompositeSER] => MEDBA [intJurisdictionFIPS] => 7 [strGeneralTaxRateIntrastate] => 1 [strGeneralTaxRateInterstate] => 1 [strFoodDrugTaxRateIntrastate] => 1 [strFoodDrugTaxRateInterstate] => 1 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [intState] => 20 [strJurisdictionType] => CIT [strCompositeSER] => MEDBA [intJurisdictionFIPS] => 45500 [strGeneralTaxRateIntrastate] => 0.75 [strGeneralTaxRateInterstate] => 0.75 [strFoodDrugTaxRateIntrastate] => 0.75 [strFoodDrugTaxRateInterstate] => 0.75 ) ) )

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you're calling a function, not echoing out a value in an object...


$result = GetFIPSByAddress($addnum,$addpredir,$addst,$addstsuf,$adddir,$city,$zip,$pluszip,$reqdate);

foreach ($result->FIPSRecordList as $record) {
  foreach ($record as $key => $value) {
    echo $key . " = " . $value . "<br />";


I think that should loop through them...

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Most excellent. I had to make one small change to the first line, adding the instantiated SoapClient before the GetFPISByAddress method. Other than that, it works great. Thanks a bunch hitman6003, Oh Guru.


$result = $client->GetFIPSByAddress($addnum,$addpredir,$addst,$addstsuf,$adddir,$city,$zip,$pluszip,$reqdate);


foreach ($result->FIPSRecordList as $record) {

  foreach ($record as $key => $value) {

    echo $key . " = " . $value . "<br />";



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