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Big time mess up on major form on my site


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<? //edit gift
if (isset($_GET['change'])) {
        $num = $_GET['change'];
        $data2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `offers` WHERE oId='$num'")
        or die(mysql_error());
        $r = mysql_fetch_array($data2);
        $oname = $r['oName'];
        $ocampid = $r['oCampID'];
        $od = $r['oDescription'];
        $olink = $r['oLink'];
        $owait = $r['oWait'];
        $oi = $r['oInstructions'];
        $oimage = $r['oImage'];
        $oweight = $r['oWeight'];
        $ocost = $r['ocost'];


if (isset($_GET["form"]) && $_GET["form"] == "change")
        $error = "none";
        $ooname = $_POST['name'];
        $ood = $_POST['description'];
        $oolink = $_POST['link'];
        $oocampid = $_POST['oCampID'];
        $oowait = $_POST['wait'];
        $ocredit = $r['oCredit'];
        $ooimage = $_POST['image'];
        $num = $_POST['offerid'];
        $ooweight = $_POST['oWeight'];
        $oocost = $r['ocost'];
        print "abcdefg";
        print $_POST['oWeight'];


        if (!other_fields($ooname)  or $ooname == "") {  $error = "name";   }
        if (!other_fields($ood)  or $ood == "") {  $error = "description";  }
        if (!other_fields($oocost)  or $ooi == "") {   $error = "cost";}
        if (!other_fields($oowait)  or $oowait == "") { $error = "wait";    }
        if (!other_fields($ooi)  or $ooi == "") {   $error = "instructions";}
        if ($error == "none")
                $d = $ood;
                $query="UPDATE offers SET oName='$ooname', oCampID='$oocampid', oDescription='$d', oWait='$oowait', oImage='$ooimage', oLink='$oolink', oInstructions='$ooi',oweight='$ooweight',ocost='$oocost' WHERE oId='$num'";
                mysql_query($query) or die("Could not insert data because ".mysql_error());
                echo '<div align=center><font color=red>Offer Updated</font></div>';
                echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=aoffers.php">';

<? //validate form
//get vars
if (isset($_GET["form"]) && $_GET['form'] == "submit") {
        $error = "none";
        $oname = $_POST['name'];
        $ocampid = $_POST['oCampID'];
        $od = $_POST['description'];
        $olink = $_POST['link'];
        $owait = $_POST['wait'];
        $oi = $_POST['i'];
        $oimage = $_POST['image'];
        $oweight =$_POST['oWeight'];
        $ocost = $r['ocost'];

        if (!other_fields($oname)  or $oname == "") {
                $error = "name";
        if (!other_fields($od)  or $od == "") {
                $error = "description";
        if (!other_fields($owait)  or $owait == "") {
                $error = "wait";
        if (!other_fields($oi)  or $oi == "") {
                $error = "instructions";
        if (!other_fields($ocost)  or $ocost == "") {
                $error = "cost";

        if ($error == "none") {
                $d = $od;
                $insert = mysql_query("insert into offers values ('', '$ocampid', '$oname',  '$d', '$olink', '$oimage', '$oi', '$owait','$oweight',
                or die("Could not insert data because ".mysql_error());
                echo '<center><font color="#ff0000"><h4>The Offer Has Been Entered Into The Database</h4>';
                echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=aoffers.php">';

<form action="<? if (isset($_GET['change'])) { ?>aoffers.php?form=change <? } else { ?>aoffers.php?form=submit <? } ?>" method="post" name="addoffers" enctype="multipart/form-data">       
<table border="0" align="center" style="border: 1px dashed red; padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px;">
<td colspan="2">
<? if ($error == "name") { echo "<center><font color=red> Error in the name field</font></center>"; }
if ($error == "description") { echo "<font color=red><center> Error in the Description field</center></font>"; }
if ($error == "wait") { echo "<font color=red><center> Error in the Wait Field</center></font>"; }
if ($error == "instructions") { echo "<font color=red><center> Error in the Instructions field</center></font>"; }           
<td colspan="2"><div align="center"><strong>Add An Offer</strong></div></td>
<td width="146">Offer Name:</td>
<td width="278"><input name="name" type="text" id="name" value="<? echo "$oname"; ?>" size="40" /></td>
<td width="146">Offer Campaign ID:</td>
<td width="278"><input name="oCampID" type="text" id="oCampID" value="<? echo "$ocampid"; ?>" size="40" /></td>
</tr> <tr>
<td width="146">Offer Link: <font color="#FF0000"> </font></td>
<td width="278"><input name="link" type="text" id="link" value="<? echo "$olink"; ?>" size="40" /></td>
<td width="146">Offer Instructions:</td>
<td width="278"><input name="i" type="text" id="i" value="<? echo "$oi"; ?>" size="40" /></td>
<td width="146">Offer Image URL:</td>
<td width="278"><input name="image" type="text" id="image" value="<? echo "$oimage"; ?>" size="40" /></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">Offer Description:</td>
<td><textarea name="description" cols="30" rows="10" id="description"><? echo "$od"; ?></textarea></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">Offer Wait Time:</td><td>         
<input name="wait" type="text" id="wait" value="<? echo "$owait"; ?>" size="40" /></td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">Offer Weight : </td><td>           
<select name = "oWeight">
<option value="1/4" <?if($oweight=='1/4') echo "selected"; ?> >1/4 </option>
<option value="1/3" <?if($oweight=='1/3') echo "selected"; ?> > 1/3 </option>
<option value="1/2" <?if($oweight=='1/2') echo "selected"; ?> > 1/2 </option>
<option value="2/3" <?if($oweight=='2/3') echo "selected"; ?> > 2/3 </option>
<option value="3/4" <?if($oweight=='3/4') echo "selected"; ?> > 3/4 </option>
<option value="1/1" <?if($oweight=='1/1') echo "selected"; ?> > 1/1 </option>

<td width="146">Offer Cost:</td>
<td width="278"><input name="cost" type="text" id="cost" value="<? echo "$ocost"; ?>" size="20" /></td>

<td colspan="2"><div align="center">
<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" />
<input name="offerid" type="hidden" id="offerid" value="<? echo "$num"; ?>">

<div class="border"></div><br>

<table align="center">

//select the table
$result = mysql_query("select * from offers order by oname");
$i = 1;
//grab all the content
        $oid = $r['oId'];
        $ocampid = $r['oCampID'];
        $oname = $r['oName'];
        $od = $r['oDescription'];
        $olink = $r['oLink'];
        $owait = $r['oWait'];
        $oi = $r['oInstructions'];
        $oimage = $r['oImage'];
        $oweight= $r['oweight'];
        $ocost = $r['ocost'];
        $uId = 1;
        <Td><Table style="width:220px; margin-left:35px;" height="300"><tr><td><div align="center"><a href="<? echo "$olink"."$uId"; ?>"><img src="<? echo "$oimage"; ?>" border="0"></a></div></td></tr>
        <tr><td><div class="gname"><? echo "$oname"; ?></div></td></tr>
        <tr><td><div class="gname"><? echo "$ocampid"; ?></div></td></tr>
        <tr><td><div class="odescription"><? echo stripslashes($od); ?></div></td></tr>
        <tr><td><div class="odescription"><strong>Instructions: </strong><? echo $oi; ?></div></td></tr>
        <tr><td><div class="gprice" align="left"><font color="#000000">Approval: </font> <? echo "$owait"; ?><br></td></tr>
        <tr><td><div class="gprice" align="left"><font color="#000000">Weight: </font> <? echo "$oweight"; ?><br></td></tr>
        <tr><td><div class="gprice" align="left"><font color="#000000">Cost: </font> <? echo "$ocost"; ?><br></td></tr>

        <tr><td><div align="center"><font color="#000000"><a href="aoffers.php?change=<? echo "$oid"; ?>">Edit Offer</a></font></div></td></tr>
        <tr><td><div align="center"><font color="#000000"><a href="aoffers.php?remove=<? echo "$oid"; ?>">Remove Offer</a></font></div></td></tr>
        if ($i % 3 == 0) { echo "</tr><tr>"; }


i know its long but this form is VERY important to me. ever since i added the "ocost" stuff nothing has worked. nothing is being posted to the database.


does anyone have any ideas?

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Sorry, but for starters... narrow your code down to something that we can be bothered looking at.


Next... are you getting any errors? If not, make sure you have error_reporting and display_errors enabled.


And please... use <?php tags, not only to enable syntax highlighting in the forum, but to ensure your code will work on modern servers.

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if (isset($_GET['change'])) {
        $num = $_GET['change'];
        $data2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `offers` WHERE oId='$num'")
        or die(mysql_error());
        $r = mysql_fetch_array($data2);
        $ocost = $r['ocost'];


if (isset($_GET["form"]) && $_GET["form"] == "change")
        $error = "none";
        $oocost = $are['ocost'];
        print "abcdefg";
        print $_POST['oWeight'];


                $d = $ood;
                $query="UPDATE offers SET oName='$ooname', oCampID='$oocampid', oDescription='$d', oWait='$oowait', oImage='$ooimage', oLink='$oolink', oInstructions='$ooi',oweight='$ooweight',ocost='$oocost' WHERE oId='$num'";
                mysql_query($query) or die("Could not insert data because ".mysql_error());
                echo '<div align=center><font color=red>Offer Updated</font></div>';
                echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=aoffers.php">';

<? //validate form
//get vars
if (isset($_GET["form"]) && $_GET['form'] == "submit") {
        $error = "none";
        $ocost = $are['ocost'];

        if ($error == "none") {
                $d = $od;
                $insert = mysql_query("insert into offers values ('', '$ocampid', '$oname',  '$d', '$olink', '$oimage', '$oi', '$owait','$oweight',

<form action="<? if (isset($_GET['change'])) { ?>aoffers.php?form=change <? } else { ?>aoffers.php?form=submit <? } ?>" method="post" name="addoffers" enctype="multipart/form-data">       
<td width="146">Offer Cost:</td>
<td width="278"><input name="cost" type="text" id="cost" value="<? echo "$ocost"; ?>" size="20" /></td>

//select the table
$result = mysql_query("select * from offers order by oname");
$i = 1;
//grab all the content
        $oid = $r['oId'];
        $ocost = $r['ocost'];
        $uId = 1;

        <tr><td><div class="gprice" align="left"><font color="#000000">Cost: </font> <? echo "$ocost"; ?><br></td></tr>


okay there. the strings with "ocost" or something along those lines i added. i did not touch anything else

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