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looking for a search script


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I have a blog that has many bloggers and I'm looking for a script that looks like google ads, so when you open a blog it runs down the side and displays all other blogs that has simular content. (most recent at the top ) can anyone help me?


Thanks mrdeleigh

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but he's not wanting it ordered by date.. He wants to list blogs that are similar to the currently viewed one.. I think ;)


I guess you could have a field in the table called 'keywords' or similar and then the sidebar could just display the first 5 (or however many) bloggs that have some of thte same keywords.

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thanks for the replys


but he's not wanting it ordered by date.. He wants to list blogs that are similar to the currently viewed one.. I think


I guess you could have a field in the table called 'keywords' or similar and then the sidebar could just display the first 5 (or however many) bloggs that have some of thte same keywords.


thats correct but instead of keywords can it search the blog text?

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yes, but it'll be difficult. You'd need a search function which goes through each blog and checks it for words similar to in the blog being displayed.. I guess you could get it to filter out certain words from the search.

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You could also just add keywords to your blog posts, and it could list posts with the same keywords by their date. That would be simplest.

already been suggested


but he's not wanting it ordered by date.. He wants to list blogs that are similar to the currently viewed one.. I think ;)


I guess you could have a field in the table called 'keywords' or similar and then the sidebar could just display the first 5 (or however many) bloggs that have some of thte same keywords.

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You could use a FULLTEXT search, which ignores words less than 4 chars long. Have a play with this



  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `blogdate` date NOT NULL,
  `content` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  FULLTEXT KEY `FTIndex_2` (`content`)

INSERT INTO `blog` (`id`,`blogdate`,`content`) VALUES 
(1,'2007-01-01','Dolphins are aquatic mammals'),
(2,'2007-01-05','Gerbils are mammals'),
(3,'2007-01-10','bullrushes are aquatic plants'),
(4,'2007-01-15','My friend plants trees for a living'),
(5,'2007-01-20','My garden shed is built of bullrushes'),
(6,'2007-01-25','Dolphins are your friend');



include '../test/db2.php';
if (isset($_GET['id']))
    $id = $_GET['id'];
    $sql = "SELECT id, blogdate, content
            FROM blog
            WHERE id = '$id' ";
    $res = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error()."<p>$sql</p>");
    if (list ($id, $d, $c) = mysql_fetch_row($res))
        echo '<b>', date('jS F', strtotime($d)), '</b><br>', $c, '<hr><b>Similar blog entries</b><hr>';
        $sql = "SELECT blogdate, content
                FROM blog
                WHERE MATCH(content) AGAINST('$c')
                AND id <> '$id'
                ORDER BY blogdate DESC";
        $res = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error()."<p>$sql</p>");
        while (list ($d, $c) = mysql_fetch_row($res))
            echo '<b>', date('jS F', strtotime($d)), '</b><br>', $c, '<br><br>';
        echo '<hr>';
Select a blog record (1-6)
<input type='text' name='id' size='4'>
<input type='submit' name='action' value='Submit'>

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