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Fact or Fiction

The Little Guy

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1. Fact or Fiction:

If a butterfly/bird flaps its wings, It could change the course of weather.


2. Fact or Fiction:

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." --Elbert Einstein


3. Fact or Fiction:

Having a superpower of being invisible would be way cooler than being able to fly.


4. Fact or Fiction:

Real or fake - http://youtube.com/watch?v=qy8cILRuXmM


5. Fact or Fiction:

Loch Ness Monster does in fact exist.


6. Fact or Fiction:

We are not the only life form in the universe.


7. Fact or Fiction:

The Dinosaurs died from the impact of a large meteor.


8. Fact or Fiction:

The "Big Bang" Theory is how the universe was created.


9. Fact or Fiction:

Scientists will be able to revive extinct species.


10. Fact or Fiction:

20 years into the future we will be wearing spandex suits, and driving flying cars (Like in movies A.K.A The Jetsons), basically our way of life will be 90 - 100% different.




Choose one or more of the above, rate it either Fact or Fiction depending on what you believe, then explain why you choose Fact or Fiction.

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1, neither fact or fiction as it's a theory that hasn't really been proven either way. editto be more decisive, fact. consider any example and its knock-on effects, even if insignificant.

2, fiction, as i dont think it'll be that far away

3, fact. i've seen what aeroplanes do to stray pigeons.

4, fiction.

5, fiction. old myth, woulda found it by now had it been true

6, fact.

7, fact

8, hmm, as number 1 - a theory - but more geared towards fact, or something similar

9, fact

10, some fact. think back 20 years (if youre old enough) to how you saw it being now...

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