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Net_DNS package help!


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I use the command line pear command to install the net_DNS package after i made sure i have all needed dependencies, i get installation successfull message, i copy paste the example from the pear.net documantation of Net_DNS to test if its working, i run the script and it returns nothing...

I run scripts localy on my comptuter on a windows platform with an Apatche server.

What did i do wrong? plz help me.

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the code i used is this:

require_once 'Net/DNS.php';

$resolver = new Net_DNS_Resolver();
$response = $resolver->query('example.com');
if ($response) {
  foreach ($response->answer as $rr) {

its straight from the documentation example, i also tryied this:


// include class file

// create object
$ndr = new Net_DNS_Resolver();

// uncomment this for debug output
// $ndr->debug = 1;

// query for IP address
$answer = $ndr->search("cnet.com", "A");

// print output


also with no success.


this is my include path:


;include_path = "C:\PHP5\PEAR"


and this is my php instalation dir:


the package is installed in:


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is there anything else i should check or something i might have forgoten or done wrong?


Hard to tell.. Ive never used said class. But require_once() will generate errors if it doesn't work, and calling invalid methods also.

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I changed the code to this enabeling debug output:


// include class file

// create object
$ndr = new Net_DNS_Resolver();
echo $ndr;

// uncomment this for debug output
$ndr->debug = 1;
echo $ndr;

// query for IP address
$answer = $ndr->search("google.com", "MX");
echo $ndr;

// print output



and got this output:


Object id #1Object id #1;; search(google.com, MX, IN) ;; query(google.com, MX, IN) ;; using simple sockets Object id #1


What does this mean? does it mean the package works and im doing something wrong or it doent work an just outputs something?

I just cant seem to get it to work... and i really need it to work! do you know of anywhare i can get some help with this cause the documentation doesnt help much...


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I also get the following errors:


Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\dns\dnsdig.php on line 9


Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\dns\dnsdig.php on line 9


I also get this from another script using the same package:


Fatal error: Call to a member function display() on a non-object in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\dns\dnsspec.php on line 13

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