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[SOLVED] after crop


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This function is messed up i tried to write it off of using code but i suck can someone explain what i did wrong


function aftercropping( )
    global $RunDir;
    global $xThumbH;
    global $xThumbW;
    global $xThumbFixedSize;
    global $xThumbDoSharp;
    global $xThumbQ;
    $params = $_REQUEST['params'];
    if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc( ) )
        $params = stripslashes( $params );
    $params = unserialize( $params );
    foreach ( $params['jpgs'] as $i=>$v )
        if ( isset( $Var_3 ) )
    foreach ( $params['jpgs'] as $i=>$v )
        $sfile = basename( $params['jpgs'] );
        $tfile = fninserttm( basename( basename( $params['jpgs'] ) ), "_tn" );
        $bfile = fninserttm( basename( fninserttm( basename( basename( $params['jpgs'] ) ), "_tn" ) ), "_big" );
        $CropCoords = isset( $Var_3 );
        $CropCoords['internalHeight'] = $_REQUEST["xthumbh".$i];
        $CropCoords['internalWidth'] = $_REQUEST["xthumbw".$i];
        $CropCoords['internalX'] = $_REQUEST["xthumbx".$i];
        $CropCoords['internalY'] = $_REQUEST["xthumby".$i];
        $xThumbH = $params['uuthumbh'];
        $xThumbW = $params['uuthumbw'];
        $xThumbFixedSize = true;
        $xThumbQ = $params['uuthumbq'];
        $xThumbDoSharp = true;
            if ( fnbuildthumbnailfile( dirname( $RunDir )."/".$params['SourceFolder']."/".$sfile, dirname( $RunDir )."/".$params['TempFolder']."/".$tfile, $size, $CropCoords ) )
            $Err['Photo'] = "<br>Broken '".$sfile."' file. Please, upload correct $sfile file or delete it.";
        } while( 0 );
        $_REQUEST[$params['rSizes']] = $size;
        $xThumbH = $params['uubigh'];
        $xThumbW = $params['uubigw'];
        $xThumbFixedSize = false;
        $xThumbQ = $params['uubigq'];
        $xThumbDoSharp = false;
            if ( fnbuildthumbnailfile( dirname( $RunDir )."/".$params['SourceFolder']."/".$sfile, dirname( $RunDir )."/".$params['TempFolder']."/".$bfile, $size ) )
            $Err['Photo'] = "<br>Broken ".$sfile." file. Please, upload correct $sfile file or delete it.";
        } while( 0 );
        if ( 0 < count( $Err ) )
            prerror( $Err['Photo'] );
        echo $i + 1." of ".count( count( $Err ) )." done<br>\n";
        flush( );
    fnsaving( $params );
    fnposting( $params );

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global $xThumbDoSharp;
    global $xThumbQ;
    $params = $_REQUEST['params'];
    if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc( ) )
        $params = stripslashes( $params );
    $params = unserialize( $params );
    foreach ( $params['jpgs'] as $i=>$v )

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here is the full function

function aftercropping( )
    global $RunDir;
    global $xThumbH;
    global $xThumbW;
    global $xThumbFixedSize;
    global $xThumbDoSharp;
    global $xThumbQ;
    $params = $_REQUEST['params'];
    if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc( ) )
        $params = stripslashes( $params );
    $params = unserialize( $params );
    foreach ( $params['jpgs'] as $i=>$v )
        if ( isset( $Var_3 ) )
    foreach ( $params['jpgs'] as $i=>$v )
        $sfile = basename( $params['jpgs'] );
        $tfile = fninserttm( basename( basename( $params['jpgs'] ) ), "_tn" );
        $bfile = fninserttm( basename( fninserttm( basename( basename( $params['jpgs'] ) ), "_tn" ) ), "_big" );
        $CropCoords = isset( $Var_3 );
        $CropCoords['internalHeight'] = $_REQUEST["xthumbh".$i];
        $CropCoords['internalWidth'] = $_REQUEST["xthumbw".$i];
        $CropCoords['internalX'] = $_REQUEST["xthumbx".$i];
        $CropCoords['internalY'] = $_REQUEST["xthumby".$i];
        $xThumbH = $params['uuthumbh'];
        $xThumbW = $params['uuthumbw'];
        $xThumbFixedSize = true;
        $xThumbQ = $params['uuthumbq'];
        $xThumbDoSharp = true;
            if ( fnbuildthumbnailfile( dirname( $RunDir )."/".$params['SourceFolder']."/".$sfile, dirname( $RunDir )."/".$params['TempFolder']."/".$tfile, $size, $CropCoords ) )
            $Err['Photo'] = "<br>Broken '".$sfile."' file. Please, upload correct $sfile file or delete it.";
        } while( 0 );
        $_REQUEST[$params['rSizes']] = $size;
        $xThumbH = $params['uubigh'];
        $xThumbW = $params['uubigw'];
        $xThumbFixedSize = false;
        $xThumbQ = $params['uubigq'];
        $xThumbDoSharp = false;
            if ( fnbuildthumbnailfile( dirname( $RunDir )."/".$params['SourceFolder']."/".$sfile, dirname( $RunDir )."/".$params['TempFolder']."/".$bfile, $size ) )
            $Err['Photo'] = "<br>Broken ".$sfile." file. Please, upload correct $sfile file or delete it.";
        } while( 0 );
        if ( 0 < count( $Err ) )
            prerror( $Err['Photo'] );
        echo $i + 1." of ".count( count( $Err ) )." done<br>\n";
        flush( );
    fnsaving( $params );
    fnposting( $params );

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Try putting all the globals on the same line


    global $RunDir, $xThumbH,$xThumbW, $xThumbFixedSize, $xThumbDoSharp, $xThumbQ;


That and this may have something to do with it:


        echo $i + 1." of ".count( count( $Err ) )." done<br>\n";

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heres the function before it might have a problem might not and the new code in which the changes were added


function showform( )
    echo "<iframe src=../uugallery/core.php?uuaction=ShowTemplateBar frameBorder=no frameSpacing=0  width=600 height=25  style=\"border:0; margin: 1px 5% 2px 5%;\"  scrolling=\"no\"></iframe>\r\n<div style=\"border:0; margin: 0px 5%;\">\r\n   <script type=\"text/JavaScript\">\r\n   <!--\r\n           function uuSourceChange(currindex){\r\n             for (i=1; i<4; i++) {\r\n                   if (i==currindex) {\r\n                      if (i==1) {\r\n                        document.getElementById(\"uudestsection\").style.display = 'none';\r\n                      } else {\r\n                        document.getElementById(\"uudestsection\").style.display = 'block';\r\n                      }\r\n                      document.getElementById(\"uusource\"+i).style.display = 'block';\r\n                   } else {\r\n                     document.getElementById(\"uusource\"+i).style.display = 'none';\r\n                   }\r\n             }\r\n           }\r\n           function uuDestChange(currindex){\r\n             for (i=1; i<3; i++) {\r\n                   if (i==currindex) {\r\n                     document.getElementById(\"uudest\"+i).style.display = 'block';\r\n                   } else {\r\n                     document.getElementById(\"uudest\"+i).style.display = 'none';\r\n                   }\r\n             }\r\n           }\r\n           function uuTabChange(currindex){\r\n             for (i=1; i<3; i++) {\r\n                   if (i==currindex) {\r\n                     document.getElementById(\"uuborder\"+i).style.display = 'block';\r\n                     document.getElementById(\"uutab\"+i).style.borderBottomColor = '#CCCCCC';\r\n                   } else {\r\n                     document.getElementById(\"uuborder\"+i).style.display = 'none';\r\n                     document.getElementById(\"uutab\"+i).style.borderBottomColor = 'gray';\r\n                   }\r\n             }\r\n           }\r\n           function uuLinkToChange(currindex){\r\n             if (currindex==3) {\r\n                     document.getElementById('uulinkthumburlhtml').style.visibility = 'visible';\r\n             } else {\r\n                     document.getElementById('uulinkthumburlhtml').style.visibility = 'hidden';\r\n             }\r\n           }\r\n\r\n   //-->\r\n   </script>\r\n\r\n   <style>\r\n   .uusection *  { font-family: tahoma; font-size:11px; }\r\n   .uusection { position: relative; overflow: hidden; margin:0; border:0px solid white; padding-top:8px; }\r\n   .uusection input, .uusection select { border: 1px solid gray; background: #F0F0E0; font-size:11px; margin: 0; padding:1px 0 2px 2px;}\r\n     .uusection select { width:250px}\r\n     .uucaption1 { margin-left:4px; height:16px; background: white; background:#CCCCCC; float: left; border: 1px solid gray;  padding: 0 3px;}\r\n     .uuborder   { border:1px solid gray;  padding: 7px 5px 5px 5px; background:#CCCCCC; display:none; margin-top:17px;}\r\n     .uutab, .uutab:hover, .uutab:active, .uutab:link, .uutab:visited { text-decoration:none; cursor:hand; color:blue; }\r\n     .uuclear    { height: 0px; overflow: hidden; clear: both; }\r\n   </style>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n   <div class=uusection>\r\n     <div style=\"position:absolute; z-index:100; margin-left:8px;\">\r\n           <a href=# onclick=\"uuTabChange(1);return false;\" class=\"uutab\"><div class=uucaption1 id=uutab1>Basic settings</div></a>\r\n           <a href=# onclick=\"uuTabChange(2);return false;\" class=\"uutab\"><div class=uucaption1 id=uutab2>Additional</div></a>\r\n     </div>\r\n     <div class=uuclear></div>\r\n     <div class=uuborder id=uuborder1>\r\n            <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n            <tr>\r\n               <td width=95 align=left valign=middle>Gallery source: </td>\r\n               <td>\r\n                <select name=\"uusrc\" id=\"uusrc\" onchange=\"uuSourceChange(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\" style=\"border:1px solid gray;\">\r\n                   <option value=\"1\">1. Use images already uploaded to this server</option>\r\n                   <option value=\"2\">2. Grab a gallery from URL</option>\r\n                   <option value=\"3\">3. Upload photos in a zip file from my hard drive</option>\r\n                   </select>\r\n               </td>\r\n            </tr>\r\n            </table>\r\n\r\n           <div id=uusource1 style=\"display:none;\">\r\n            <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n            <tr>\r\n               <td width=95 valign=middle>Path to gallery:</td>\r\n               <td><input name=\"uusrcgalpath\" id=\"uusrcgalpath\" type=\"text\" value=\"uugallery/01\" style=\"width: 350px;\"></td>\r\n            </tr>\r\n            </table>\r\n           </div>\r\n\r\n           <div id=uusource2 style=\"display:none;\">\r\n            <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n            <tr>\r\n               <td width=95 valign=middle>Grab from URL:</td>\r\n               <td><input name=\"uusrcgrabfromurl\" id=\"uusrcgrabfromurl\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" style=\"width: 350px;\"\r\ntitle=\"Enter URL to FHG:\r\n    http://Domain.com/folder/index.html\r\nURL to ZIP file:\r\n    http://Domain.com/folder/gallery.zip\r\nor Fusker-style URL to photos such as:\r\n    http://Domain.com/folder/photo[1-20].jpg\"></td>\r\n            </tr>\r\n            <tr>\r\n               <td width=95 align=left valign=middle>Grab maximum:</td>\r\n               <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"uusrcgrablimit\" id=\"uusrcgrablimit\" style=\"width: 40px;\" maxlength=\"5\"> photos (enter 9999 for unlimited amount)</td>\r\n            </tr>\r\n            </table>\r\n           </div>\r\n\r\n           <div id=uusource3 style=\"display:none;\">\r\n            <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n               <td width=95 valign=middle>Upload a zip file:</td>\r\n               <td><input name=\"uusrczipfile\" id=\"uusrczipfile\" type=\"file\" style=\"width: 350px;\"></td>\r\n            </tr></table>\r\n           </div>\r\n\r\n          <div id=uudestsection style=\"margin-top: 10px;\">\r\n            <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n            <tr>\r\n               <td width=95 align=left valign=center>Save gallery to:</td>\r\n               <td>\r\n                 <select name=\"uudest\" id=\"uudest\" onchange=\"uuDestChange(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\" style=\"border:1px solid gray;\">\r\n                       <option value=\"1\">1. Save to local folder</option>\r\n                       <option value=\"2\">2. Save to remote FTP server</option>\r\n                 </select>\r\n               </td>\r\n            </tr>\r\n            </table>\r\n\r\n           <div id=uudest1 style=\"display:none;\">\r\n            <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n             <tr>\r\n               <td width=95 valign=middle>Path at this server:</td>\r\n               <td><input name=\"uudestpathtogal\" id=\"uudestpathtogal\" type=\"text\" value=\"uugallery/01grabbed\" style=\"width: 350px;\"></td>\r\n             </tr>\r\n            </table>\r\n           </div>\r\n\r\n           <div id=uudest2 style=\"display:none;\">\r\n            <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n             <tr>\r\n               <td width=95 valign=middle>FTP account:</td>\r\n               <td valign=middle><input name=\"uudestftp\" id=\"uudestftp\" type=\"text\" value=\"ftp://Login:Password@Domain.com/public_html/gallery01\" style=\"width: 350px;\"></td>\r\n             <tr>\r\n             </tr>\r\n               <td width=95 valign=middle>FTP WEB URL:</td>\r\n               <td><input name=\"uudestftpweb\" id=\"uudestftpweb\" type=\"text\" value=\"http://Domain.com/gallery01\" style=\"width: 350px;\"></td>\r\n             </tr>\r\n            </table>\r\n           </div>\r\n          </div>\r\n\r\n          <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n           <tr>\r\n             <td width=95 align=left valign=middle>Cropping:</td>\r\n             <td style=\"margin:0; padding:0;border:0; back}

function aftercropping()
    global $xThumbDoSharp, $xThumbQ,$RunDir,$xThumbH,$xThumbW,$xThumbFixedSize;
    $params = $_REQUEST['params'];
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
        $params = stripslashes( $params );
    $params = unserialize($params);
    foreach ( $params['jpgs'] as $i=>$v )
        if ( isset( $Var_3 ) )
    foreach ( $params['jpgs'] as $i=>$v )
        $sfile = basename( $params['jpgs'] );
        $tfile = fninserttm( basename( basename( $params['jpgs'] ) ), "_tn" );
        $bfile = fninserttm( basename( fninserttm( basename( basename( $params['jpgs'] ) ), "_tn" ) ), "_big" );
        $CropCoords = isset( $Var_3 );
        $CropCoords['internalHeight'] = $_REQUEST["xthumbh".$i];
        $CropCoords['internalWidth'] = $_REQUEST["xthumbw".$i];
        $CropCoords['internalX'] = $_REQUEST["xthumbx".$i];
        $CropCoords['internalY'] = $_REQUEST["xthumby".$i];
        $xThumbH = $params['uuthumbh'];
        $xThumbW = $params['uuthumbw'];
        $xThumbFixedSize = true;
        $xThumbQ = $params['uuthumbq'];
        $xThumbDoSharp = true;
            if ( fnbuildthumbnailfile( dirname( $RunDir )."/".$params['SourceFolder']."/".$sfile, dirname( $RunDir )."/".$params['TempFolder']."/".$tfile, $size, $CropCoords ) )
            $Err['Photo'] = "<br>Broken '".$sfile."' file. Please, upload correct $sfile file or delete it.";
        } while( 0 );
        $_REQUEST[$params['rSizes']] = $size;
        $xThumbH = $params['uubigh'];
        $xThumbW = $params['uubigw'];
        $xThumbFixedSize = false;
        $xThumbQ = $params['uubigq'];
        $xThumbDoSharp = false;
            if ( fnbuildthumbnailfile( dirname( $RunDir )."/".$params['SourceFolder']."/".$sfile, dirname( $RunDir )."/".$params['TempFolder']."/".$bfile, $size ) )
            $Err['Photo'] = "<br>Broken ".$sfile." file. Please, upload correct $sfile file or delete it.";
        } while( 0 );
        if ( 0 < count( $Err ) )
            prerror( $Err['Photo'] );
        echo $i + 1." of ".count( count( $Err ) )." done<br>\n";
        flush( );
    fnsaving( $params );
    fnposting( $params );

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Wow dude, the issue is in the showform() function.


Write that on multiple lines and fix it up than post it here.


Wow could you fit anymore onto one line ???


Break up that function and fix the basics and than post it here.

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Yea chigley is right, for some reason I just saw the for and thought it was PHP when it was js


function showform( )
    echo "<iframe src=../uugallery/core.php?uuaction=ShowTemplateBar frameBorder=no frameSpacing=0  width=600 height=25  style=\"border:0; margin: 1px 5% 2px 5%;\"  scrolling=\"no\"></iframe>\r\n<div style=\"border:0; margin: 0px 5%;\">\r\n   <script type=\"text/JavaScript\">\r\n   <!--\r\n           function uuSourceChange(currindex){\r\n             for (i=1; i<4; i++) {\r\n                   if (i==currindex) {\r\n                      if (i==1) {\r\n                        document.getElementById(\"uudestsection\").style.display = 'none';\r\n                      } else {\r\n                        document.getElementById(\"uudestsection\").style.display = 'block';\r\n                      }\r\n                      document.getElementById(\"uusource\"+i).style.display = 'block';\r\n                   } else {\r\n                     document.getElementById(\"uusource\"+i).style.display = 'none';\r\n                   }\r\n             }\r\n           }\r\n           function uuDestChange(currindex){\r\n             for (i=1; i<3; i++) {\r\n                   if (i==currindex) {\r\n                     document.getElementById(\"uudest\"+i).style.display = 'block';\r\n                   } else {\r\n                     document.getElementById(\"uudest\"+i).style.display = 'none';\r\n                   }\r\n             }\r\n           }\r\n           function uuTabChange(currindex){\r\n             for (i=1; i<3; i++) {\r\n                   if (i==currindex) {\r\n                     document.getElementById(\"uuborder\"+i).style.display = 'block';\r\n                     document.getElementById(\"uutab\"+i).style.borderBottomColor = '#CCCCCC';\r\n                   } else {\r\n                     document.getElementById(\"uuborder\"+i).style.display = 'none';\r\n                     document.getElementById(\"uutab\"+i).style.borderBottomColor = 'gray';\r\n                   }\r\n             }\r\n           }\r\n           function uuLinkToChange(currindex){\r\n             if (currindex==3) {\r\n                     document.getElementById('uulinkthumburlhtml').style.visibility = 'visible';\r\n             } else {\r\n                     document.getElementById('uulinkthumburlhtml').style.visibility = 'hidden';\r\n             }\r\n           }\r\n\r\n   //-->\r\n   </script>\r\n\r\n   <style>\r\n   .uusection *  { font-family: tahoma; font-size:11px; }\r\n   .uusection { position: relative; overflow: hidden; margin:0; border:0px solid white; padding-top:8px; }\r\n   .uusection input, .uusection select { border: 1px solid gray; background: #F0F0E0; font-size:11px; margin: 0; padding:1px 0 2px 2px;}\r\n     .uusection select { width:250px}\r\n     .uucaption1 { margin-left:4px; height:16px; background: white; background:#CCCCCC; float: left; border: 1px solid gray;  padding: 0 3px;}\r\n     .uuborder   { border:1px solid gray;  padding: 7px 5px 5px 5px; background:#CCCCCC; display:none; margin-top:17px;}\r\n     .uutab, .uutab:hover, .uutab:active, .uutab:link, .uutab:visited { text-decoration:none; cursor:hand; color:blue; }\r\n     .uuclear    { height: 0px; overflow: hidden; clear: both; }\r\n   </style>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n   <div class=uusection>\r\n     <div style=\"position:absolute; z-index:100; margin-left:8px;\">\r\n           <a href=# onclick=\"uuTabChange(1);return false;\" class=\"uutab\"><div class=uucaption1 id=uutab1>Basic settings</div></a>\r\n           <a href=# onclick=\"uuTabChange(2);return false;\" class=\"uutab\"><div class=uucaption1 id=uutab2>Additional</div></a>\r\n     </div>\r\n     <div class=uuclear></div>\r\n     <div class=uuborder id=uuborder1>\r\n            <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n            <tr>\r\n               <td width=95 align=left valign=middle>Gallery source: </td>\r\n               <td>\r\n                <select name=\"uusrc\" id=\"uusrc\" onchange=\"uuSourceChange(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\" style=\"border:1px solid gray;\">\r\n                   <option value=\"1\">1. Use images already uploaded to this server</option>\r\n                   <option value=\"2\">2. Grab a gallery from URL</option>\r\n                   <option value=\"3\">3. Upload photos in a zip file from my hard drive</option>\r\n                   </select>\r\n               </td>\r\n            </tr>\r\n            </table>\r\n\r\n           <div id=uusource1 style=\"display:none;\">\r\n            <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n            <tr>\r\n               <td width=95 valign=middle>Path to gallery:</td>\r\n               <td><input name=\"uusrcgalpath\" id=\"uusrcgalpath\" type=\"text\" value=\"uugallery/01\" style=\"width: 350px;\"></td>\r\n            </tr>\r\n            </table>\r\n           </div>\r\n\r\n           <div id=uusource2 style=\"display:none;\">\r\n            <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n            <tr>\r\n               <td width=95 valign=middle>Grab from URL:</td>\r\n               <td><input name=\"uusrcgrabfromurl\" id=\"uusrcgrabfromurl\" type=\"text\" value=\"\" style=\"width: 350px;\"\r\ntitle=\"Enter URL to FHG:\r\n    http://Domain.com/folder/index.html\r\nURL to ZIP file:\r\n    http://Domain.com/folder/gallery.zip\r\nor Fusker-style URL to photos such as:\r\n    http://Domain.com/folder/photo[1-20].jpg\"></td>\r\n            </tr>\r\n            <tr>\r\n               <td width=95 align=left valign=middle>Grab maximum:</td>\r\n               <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"uusrcgrablimit\" id=\"uusrcgrablimit\" style=\"width: 40px;\" maxlength=\"5\"> photos (enter 9999 for unlimited amount)</td>\r\n            </tr>\r\n            </table>\r\n           </div>\r\n\r\n           <div id=uusource3 style=\"display:none;\">\r\n            <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n               <td width=95 valign=middle>Upload a zip file:</td>\r\n               <td><input name=\"uusrczipfile\" id=\"uusrczipfile\" type=\"file\" style=\"width: 350px;\"></td>\r\n            </tr></table>\r\n           </div>\r\n\r\n          <div id=uudestsection style=\"margin-top: 10px;\">\r\n            <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n            <tr>\r\n               <td width=95 align=left valign=center>Save gallery to:</td>\r\n               <td>\r\n                 <select name=\"uudest\" id=\"uudest\" onchange=\"uuDestChange(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)\" style=\"border:1px solid gray;\">\r\n                       <option value=\"1\">1. Save to local folder</option>\r\n                       <option value=\"2\">2. Save to remote FTP server</option>\r\n                 </select>\r\n               </td>\r\n            </tr>\r\n            </table>\r\n\r\n           <div id=uudest1 style=\"display:none;\">\r\n            <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n             <tr>\r\n               <td width=95 valign=middle>Path at this server:</td>\r\n               <td><input name=\"uudestpathtogal\" id=\"uudestpathtogal\" type=\"text\" value=\"uugallery/01grabbed\" style=\"width: 350px;\"></td>\r\n             </tr>\r\n            </table>\r\n           </div>\r\n\r\n           <div id=uudest2 style=\"display:none;\">\r\n            <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n             <tr>\r\n               <td width=95 valign=middle>FTP account:</td>\r\n               <td valign=middle><input name=\"uudestftp\" id=\"uudestftp\" type=\"text\" value=\"ftp://Login:Password@Domain.com/public_html/gallery01\" style=\"width: 350px;\"></td>\r\n             <tr>\r\n             </tr>\r\n               <td width=95 valign=middle>FTP WEB URL:</td>\r\n               <td><input name=\"uudestftpweb\" id=\"uudestftpweb\" type=\"text\" value=\"http://Domain.com/gallery01\" style=\"width: 350px;\"></td>\r\n             </tr>\r\n            </table>\r\n           </div>\r\n          </div>\r\n\r\n          <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" border=\"0\">\r\n           <tr>\r\n             <td width=95 align=left valign=middle>Cropping:</td>\r\n             <td style=\"margin:0; padding:0;border:0; back";}

Try that.

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