YRUS Posted June 12, 2007 Share Posted June 12, 2007 This sendmail code is from Discuz! Board I have a problem when I wish to send mail to my board member. When I send email to multiple members, member can read other member’s email address. I try to hide the address, then I changed fputs($fp, "To: ".$email_to."\r\n"); To fputs($fp, "Bcc: ".$email_to."\r\n"); But then I am facing another problem, member’s email is not showing 'To: xxx@xxx.com', for example. Hotmail will reject these kind of email. Then I decided to add fputs($fp, "To: ".$touser."\r\n"); //note that it is touser not email_to before fputs($fp, "Bcc: ".$email_to."\r\n"); but it showed the last member’s email address on every member’s email. 'To: last_member@xxx.com', for example insteed of 'To: particular_member@xxx.com. Finally I found that, fputs($fp, "Date: ".gmdate('r')."\r\n"); fputs($fp, "To: ".$touser."\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Bcc: ".$email_to."\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Subject: ".$email_subject."\r\n"); fputs($fp, $headers."\r\n"); fputs($fp, "\r\n\r\n"); fputs($fp, "$email_message\r\n.\r\n"); fputs($fp, "QUIT\r\n"); are only tell the email what to show in every member’s email. Even I have looped and updated $touser, the code above is only running 1 time. So, here is my problem: Can you help me to modify the original code so that it will send email one by one with every email only show the particular member’s email address on his email. Thank you!! ORIGINAL CODE: <?php /* [Discuz!] ©2001-2007 Comsenz Inc. This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms $RCSfile: sendmail.inc.php,v $ $Revision: $ $Date: 2007/03/21 15:52:38 $ */ if(!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } @include DISCUZ_ROOT.'./mail_config.inc.php'; @include language('emails'); if($sendmail_silent) { error_reporting(0); } if(isset($language[$email_subject])) { eval("\$email_subject = \"".$language[$email_subject]."\";"); } if(isset($language[$email_message])) { eval("\$email_message = \"".$language[$email_message]."\";"); } $maildelimiter = !empty($maildelimiter) ? "\r\n" : "\n"; $mailusername = isset($mailusername) ? $mailusername : 1; $email_subject = '=?'.$charset.'?B?'.base64_encode(str_replace("\r", '', str_replace("\n", '', '['.$bbname.'] '.$email_subject))).'?='; $email_message = chunk_split(base64_encode(str_replace("\r\n.", " \r\n..", str_replace("\n", "\r\n", str_replace("\r", "\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace("\n\r", "\r", $email_message))))))); $email_from = $email_from == '' ? '=?'.$charset.'?B?'.base64_encode($bbname)."?= <$adminemail>" : (preg_match('/^(.+?) \<(.+?)\>$/',$email_from, $from) ? '=?'.$charset.'?B?'.base64_encode($from[1])."?= <$from[2]>" : $email_from); foreach(explode(',', $email_to) as $touser) { $tousers[] = preg_match('/^(.+?) \<(.+?)\>$/',$touser, $to) ? ($mailusername ? '=?'.$charset.'?B?'.base64_encode($to[1])."?= <$to[2]>" : $to[2]) : $touser; } $email_to = implode(',', $tousers); $headers = "From: $email_from{$maildelimiter}MIME-Version: 1.0{$maildelimiter}Content-type: text/plain; charset=$charset{$maildelimiter}Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64{$maildelimiter}"; if($mailsend == 1 && function_exists('mail')) { @mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers); } elseif($mailsend == 2) { if(!$fp = fsockopen($mailcfg['server'], $mailcfg['port'], $errno, $errstr, 30)) { errorlog('SMTP', "($mailcfg[server]:$mailcfg[port]) CONNECT - Unable to connect to the SMTP server, please check your \"mail_config.inc.php\".", 0); } stream_set_blocking($fp, true); $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512); if(substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != '220') { errorlog('SMTP', "$mailcfg[server]:$mailcfg[port] CONNECT - $lastmessage", 0); } fputs($fp, ($mailcfg['auth'] ? 'EHLO' : 'HELO')." discuz\r\n"); $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512); if(substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 220 && substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 250) { errorlog('SMTP', "($mailcfg[server]:$mailcfg[port]) HELO/EHLO - $lastmessage", 0); } while(1) { if(substr($lastmessage, 3, 1) != '-' || empty($lastmessage)) { break; } $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512); } if($mailcfg['auth']) { fputs($fp, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n"); $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512); if(substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 334) { errorlog('SMTP', "($mailcfg[server]:$mailcfg[port]) AUTH LOGIN - $lastmessage", 0); } fputs($fp, base64_encode($mailcfg['auth_username'])."\r\n"); $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512); if(substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 334) { errorlog('SMTP', "($mailcfg[server]:$mailcfg[port]) USERNAME - $lastmessage", 0); } fputs($fp, base64_encode($mailcfg['auth_password'])."\r\n"); $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512); if(substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 235) { errorlog('SMTP', "($mailcfg[server]:$mailcfg[port]) PASSWORD - $lastmessage", 0); } $email_from = $mailcfg['from']; } fputs($fp, "MAIL FROM: <".preg_replace("/.*\<(.+?)\>.*/", "\\1", $email_from).">\r\n"); $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512); if(substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 250) { fputs($fp, "MAIL FROM: <".preg_replace("/.*\<(.+?)\>.*/", "\\1", $email_from).">\r\n"); $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512); if(substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 250) { errorlog('SMTP', "($mailcfg[server]:$mailcfg[port]) MAIL FROM - $lastmessage", 0); } } $email_tos = array(); foreach(explode(',', $email_to) as $touser) { $touser = trim($touser); if($touser) { fputs($fp, "RCPT TO: <".preg_replace("/.*\<(.+?)\>.*/", "\\1", $touser).">\r\n"); $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512); if(substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 250) { fputs($fp, "RCPT TO: <".preg_replace("/.*\<(.+?)\>.*/", "\\1", $touser).">\r\n"); $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512); errorlog('SMTP', "($mailcfg[server]:$mailcfg[port]) RCPT TO - $lastmessage", 0); } } } fputs($fp, "DATA\r\n"); $lastmessage = fgets($fp, 512); if(substr($lastmessage, 0, 3) != 354) { errorlog('SMTP', "($mailcfg[server]:$mailcfg[port]) DATA - $lastmessage", 0); } $headers .= 'Message-ID: <'.gmdate('YmdHs').'.'.substr(md5($email_message.microtime()), 0, 6).rand(100000, 999999).'@'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].">{$maildelimiter}X-Priority: 3{$maildelimiter}X-Mailer: Discuz! Mailer{$maildelimiter}"; fputs($fp, "Date: ".gmdate('r')."\r\n"); fputs($fp, "To: ".$email_to."\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Subject: ".$email_subject."\r\n"); fputs($fp, $headers."\r\n"); fputs($fp, "\r\n\r\n"); fputs($fp, "$email_message\r\n.\r\n"); fputs($fp, "QUIT\r\n"); } elseif($mailsend == 3) { ini_set('SMTP', $mailcfg['server']); ini_set('smtp_port', $mailcfg['port']); ini_set('sendmail_from', $email_from); @mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers); } ?> mail_config.inc.php <?php /* [Discuz!] ©2001-2007 Comsenz Inc. This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms $RCSfile: mail_config5.inc.php,v $ $Revision: $ $Date: 2007/03/21 15:52:04 $ */ // [EN] !ATTENTION! Type 2 & type 3 are only experimental, we do not provide any guarantee or support of this $sendmail_silent = 1; // ignore error reporting, 1=yes, 0=no $mailsend = 2; // sendmail type // 0=do not send any mails // 1=send via PHP mail() function and UNIX sendmail // 2=send via Discuz! SMTP/ESMTP interface // 3=send via PHP mail() and SMTP(only for win32, do not support ESMTP) $maildelimiter = 1; 0=LF,1=CRLF $mailusername = 1; // include member's name,1=yes, 0=no if($mailsend == 1) { // Send via PHP mail() and UNIX sendmail(no extra configuration) } elseif($mailsend == 2) { // send via Discuz! ESMTP interface $mailcfg['server'] = 'smtp.yourname.com'; // SMTP host address $mailcfg['port'] = '25'; // SMTP port, leave default for most occations $mailcfg['auth'] = 1; // require authentification? 1=yes, 0=no $mailcfg['from'] = 'Discuz! <yourname@yourname.com>'; // mail from (if authentification required, do use local email address of ESMTP server) $mailcfg['auth_username'] = 'username'; // username for authentification $mailcfg['auth_password'] = 'password'; // password for authentification } elseif($mailsend == 3) { // send via PHP mail() and SMTP(only for win32, do not support ESMTP) $mailcfg['server'] = 'smtp.your.com'; // SMTP host address $mailcfg['port'] = '25'; // SMTP port } ?> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/55303-sendmail-problem-with-discuz/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
YRUS Posted June 13, 2007 Author Share Posted June 13, 2007 Is it possible? Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/55303-sendmail-problem-with-discuz/#findComment-273873 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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