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Advertising a site?


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Just interested how you guys advertise your site?


It's for a music community, I like the idea of press release dispensing. I've looked at both Adsense & Adbrite - but are these really effective? Seems like you need to put in $50-100 a day for something that might not get you any visitors at all.




Thanks. :)

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First I'd suggest using your HTML <meta> tag.  Use this so anything remotely close to your site is searched on google, it will pop up.  Also, id start by using free pathways, ie.  Forums, friends, etc.  You may get a huge fanbase just by doing that.  I would not sink money into an ad program just yet.

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There are thousands of ways to get your site noticed


many believe in banner or traffic exchanges but these are not that successful and many obsolete.


If i was you i would concentrate and put your energy into SEO (Search Engine Optimization)


No matter what you do to advertise your site - if you dont have the basics correct then your wasting your time!


The most popular form of advertising at the moment is Link Exchanging - Basically getting website to link to your site but preferably those with a high page ranking


If you can master SEO you wont need any promotional gimmicks ... savvy! ;)




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many believe in banner or traffic exchanges but these are not that successful and many obsolete.....


The most popular form of advertising at the moment is Link Exchanging



Isn't that sort'a contradicting? Any way another idea is, if you're registered on forums maybe place a link in your sig. I'll probably be shot down for that, but every little counts

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It really depends on how much you want to spend. The deeper your pockets the better advertisement. Google ads are all over the web, so that may not hurt. Also remember to place keywords in your <meta> tags. This will help with search engines.. so yeah

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this month, I got


1,901,141 page impressions (You only pay per click not impression)


within the 2 months I have had adwords, I have gotten around 60 - 70 registrations on my site, and that would be thanks to adwords.


It really does help.  The first day I stared using adwords, I got 2 or 3 user registrations.


The more money you spend on advertising with adwords, the more hits you will gain.


So... If I were to spend $40/month, They would advertise my site twice as much as they do now, and I probably would get 4 - 8 registrations per day.

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this month, I got


1,901,141 page impressions (You only pay per click not impression)


within the 2 months I have had adwords, I have gotten around 60 - 70 registrations on my site, and that would be thanks to adwords.


It really does help.  The first day I stared using adwords, I got 2 or 3 user registrations.


The more money you spend on advertising with adwords, the more hits you will gain.


So... If I were to spend $40/month, They would advertise my site twice as much as they do now, and I probably would get 4 - 8 registrations per day.


Seriously?! 1,000,000 hits in one month off $20?! In some cases hits and view are more important than registration, in my mind any way. Are there plans with Adwords? I mean, you're paying $20 a month you said, so naturally you only get so many clicks right. So are there plans for advertising, like $40 for so and so, $100 for so and so?

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not 1,000,000 hits,

1,000,000 page impressions... those are different, that is how many time your add shows up in a search, or on someones adsense advertisements.


off of $20, you can get about 300 hits a month, (that doesn't include returning visitors) but that also depends on the key words you select.


keywords range anywhere from .02 cents to .20 cents a click (It may be higher, or low depends on the keywords)


any keyword with the word MySpace, equals about .20 cents every time someone clicks your link.


but a keyword with the word image, may cost about .05 cents.


you make your own pay plans, You choose how much you want to spend per month. (there may be a minimum) so you could pay:







you choose what you want to pay per month, and the will display them, and they will not display them all at once, like all the the beginning of the month, or the end, they will even it out through out the month.

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If I had a reason to advertise I'd definitely try it as well. But I really have nothing on my site at all. I'm trying the Google Ads but in 3 or 4 months I think I've made $4.15.. all right... just $95.85 until pay out...

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