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firefox and IE ??


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My $0.02 -


IE has been around a lot longer than FF and others. IE was out when HTML code was still evolving. IE (Internet Exploder as I like to call it) doesn't do as good of a job at rendering. The newer browsers will make your pages look better. IE7 does a pretty good job, but IE in general is still trying to catch up. They don't want to spend the time and money making it work amazing because people are still going to use it anyway, whether they do or don't.


When I make websites, I usually test in Win (FF, IE6, IE7), Mac (FF, Safari), Linux (FF), and Lynx simultaneously. I don't have access to Opera so I have no clue how my sites look in it.


With basic tables, divs, and a little CSS, every page can look pretty much the same. Good luck.

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have you not noticed the amount of work put into IE7????


there was once a battle for the internet so different browsers did things very differntly and had code that only worked on there application and not others.  as the standards have evolved and the users of teh web wanting more consistency the browsers major browsers have (in rendering terms) got very close.


Th ebig issue with ie6 was its boxmodel implementation when in quicks mode. to get it into compliant mode you need a strict doc type (xhml1.1 is great as is html strict) simply doing that you should notice a significant change (maybe in the standards compliant browsers too!)


After that you will probably need to hack so if you google 'box model hack' the first page should be the css-discuss articel which explains why it happens and what methods are there to 'fix' it.

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