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[SOLVED] Help generating number...


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I have a script where I am trying to generate a random number that is between two numbers...but it gets more complicated.


Lets say the numbers are: 14.1 and 16


The numbers between these would be like this:

14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 15, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 16


Notice how the number never gets past 3 tenths, it skips up to the next whole number, then the pattern continues.


So if the numbers are 14.1 and 16, I would like it to randomly choose between the numbers listed above. The numbers are always different, so I need a script that will be able to do this no matter what the two starting numbers are.


Here is the script I attempted:


function height($breed){

   //Smaller number
   $height[0] = "14.2";

   //Larger Number
   $height[1] = "16";

   //Divide front and back numbers, front number being the number before decimal, back being the one after the decimal
   $num1 = explode('.', $height[0]);
   $num2 = explode('.', $height[1]);

   //Get random front number        
   $front = rand($num1[0], $num2[0]);

   //get random back number
      if (empty($num1[1])) $num1[1] = 0;
      if (empty($num2[1])) $num2[1] = 0;
   $back = rand(0, $num2[1]);
      if (empty($back)) $back = rand(1,3);
      if ($back == 0) $back = "";

   $fheight = $front.'.'.$back;
      //If the final height ends up being bigger than it should be, redo the calculations
      if ($fheight > $height[1]) height($breed);
      else echo $fheight;


This code was very close to working okay, but it had flaws in it. Like if the bigger number was 16, it would never end up as "16".


If anyone can suggest a good way to do this, it would be greatly appreciated =D


Thanks xD

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$random_number = (int) rand(14, 16).'.'.rand(0, 3);


Not sure it that works...but I should do it like that. OR rand(14, 16) + (rand(0, 3)/10)




Those methods don't take in account that if the highest number was 16, then it couldn't be like 16.3, because that wouldn't be between the two numbers...

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function my_rand($a, $b, $c=3) {
$a = floor($a) * (++$c) + ($a - floor($a)) * 10;
$b = floor($b) * $c + ($b - floor($b)) * 10;
$x = rand($a, $b);
$out = floor($x / $c) * 10 + ($x % $c);
return  $out / 10;

$start = 14.1;
$end = 16.2;
echo my_rand($start, $end);

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I made a very quick solution that is really roundabout but still accomplishes the goal:


function rand_num($low, $high) {
if ($low == 0 || $high == 0) return;

 $numbers = array();
 $num = $low;
 $count = 0;
 while ($num <= $high) {
 	$num = round($num, 1);
 	$dec = (($num*10) % 10);
 	if ($dec > 3) {
 		$num += ((10 - $dec) * .1);
 		$numbers[$count] = $num;
 		$num += .1;
 	} else {
 		$numbers[$count] = $num;
 		$num += .1;

 $array_len = count($numbers) - 1;
 $random = rand(0, $array_len);
 return $numbers[$random];


print rand_num(10.3, 13);

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