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In need of a planner/manager/calendar script


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I'm in a band, and I want to set up an event-planner of sorts for my band on my website. What I want is for all the band-members to be able to log in and register their busy-time to make it easier for us to plan dates for studio, gigs, rehearsal etc. I've looked at several calendar-scripts, but none of them offer anything like what I need.


I want a calendar that's simple and free and accepts multiple users adding their busy-time, displaying the result in a simple calendar-form.


Does anyone here know if there's something like that out there?



Kind regards,

Hans Kristian

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You could always install SMF (www.simplemachines.org) and use the calendar feature built into that.  It's pretty good and would achieve what you're after.  You could probably even integrate it with a website outside of the actual forums too.

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Thanks for the tip! I see it's the same forum software used here. I'll give it a spin :) Any other suggestions? I don't really need the power and functionality that SMF offers, so anything light and simple is good too. I'm just amazed that I couldn't find a script that suits my needs. I found a few commercial ones that looked promising, but I'm not paying $50-100 for a piece of software where I'm only going to use 2% of the functionality...


I'm sure there are others that would need something like this. The way I see it, it would be a versatile tool that could be used for a heap of different things - all sorts of project planning, bands, organisations, clubs and whatnot. Even small businesses could find uses for it.


If anyone is willing to have a go at creating something like this, I'd be happy to come up with some sketches and ideas. Unfortunately, I don't have any money to offer, but I would be the first to donate if it works. My programming skills are limited to C64 Basic and simple HTML (usually resulting in 'syntax error' and boring webpages), otherwise I would do it myself ;)


I just realised I never really said anything about programming language (although I suppose it's not really necessary). My server handles PHP4.x and Perl at least. Running Apache, MySQL. No Microsoft support, i.e no ASP or Access :)

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