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Do I need to know html??


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I ask because i don't know, what do serious users of PHP use?  Text editor?


I handcode a lot of php and html but I use Dreamweaver in the "code view" as it highlights php blocks of code and makes it easy to see if the syntax is incorrect e.g. if i forget to put inverted commas around a string, the n the string will not be shown in red font as opposed to black/blue for php code.


To be honest, with php, you will at some stage need to return a webpage to the user from a php script and  Dreamweaver cannot do this very well, so you will probably need to handcode the html within php code.


Hope that doesn't sound too complicated but YES, you should learn html in detail.


Hope this helps.



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I use dreamweaver as an html editor and php editor and I don't any problems with it. I have downloaded a php editor and it looks like it could be useful but since I designed the website with dreamweaver, I just do everything with DW.  I have no major issues with it except I wish it had more intellisense with php code/syntax.   I guess I am not a serioius php programmer.  :D  I guess they do have something better than dreamweaver for php editing but its not all that bad. for designing simple web pages and for an html editor I would recommend DW. 

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I have used all the text editors that are on the market and there all except one worth having.


The best text editor in the world is what i use (zend studio) there no better in the world...


But as a learner in php/html/css/mysql/flat files you need to use notepad or notepad++ as that will help you understand all the code correctly.


At first your get all sort of errors then your learn how to correct your errors then you can move to a text editor then you presheate what a reel text editor does for you.


forget dreamweaver, dreamweaver adds all sort of code to the script when used with php and infact also adds terrable code to html all sorts of c r a p.


just use good old notepad and be a winner good luck.


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I have used all the text editors that are on the market and there all except one worth having.


The best text editor in the world is what i use (zend studio) there no better in the world...


But as a learner in php/html/css/mysql/flat files you need to use notepad or notepad++ as that will help you understand all the code correctly.


At first your get all sort of errors then your learn how to correct your errors then you can move to a text editor then you presheate what a reel text editor does for you.


forget dreamweaver, dreamweaver adds all sort of code to the script when used with php and infact also adds terrable code to html all sorts of c r a p.


just use good old notepad and be a winner good luck.



What's so special about Zend Studio? I have to say I've just read up on it and I'm considering getting it..

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I do agree DW does add a bunch of BS in the code. thats why I hard code most of my code. I just use DW for the designing aspects of my web site. I dont write code for the layout and designing  part of my web pages only the dynamic sections of it. ..I never used it but Zenstudio does look like a winner

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There nothink better then using zend as zend is part of the creation off php.


If you a serious programmer and enjoy programming and learning everyday code,

and drink loads of tea get zend lol.


also hopefuly use zend as a backup for tutorals and code snippets it all fun.


Do you all want another a reel reel program that your all love lol.





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Firstly, get off yer high horses.


Dreamweaver cannot add any messy code if you're hand coding in code view, come on now, whoever said that is being silly. Of course DW writes messy code when you use the built in Dreamweaver functions but who said anything about that?


It is no different to notepad++ when being used as a text editor.


Does anyone agree with me here?




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